chapter thirteen: liam

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Liam let his eyes drift open as the sun seeped into his bedroom. He stretched his arms out above his head and let his toes point, a groan ripped from his lips as the night's events played back into his mind. Beside him, a sleeping form materialized in his bed sheets. A smile crept upon his lips as he rolled over and placed a quick kiss to the sleeping boy beside him. A sleepy groan drawled from the boy's lips and he turned over to snuggle in closer to Liam. "Sleep," Liam whispered and climbed out of bed.

He picked up a clean pair of boxers from his dresser and a pair of pants. After he dressed, Liam left the boy in his bed and ventured downstairs. Thankfully, no one else was awake yet, so he made himself a cuppa and grabbed an apple. Liam sat at the table in the dining room while he ate, simply enjoying the quiet when everyone was asleep.

Being an alpha was not something he took lightly. Being able to think on his own, Liam came to the realization that things were not as they were before. He wouldn't change anything, but it was a bit more than he bargained for. To be honest, becoming an alpha wasn't in the plan, but it turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

When Liam turned twenty, he met Louis in the bar his mates brought him to for his birthday. It was a lovely day to say the least. Party with the family during the day, full of presents and cake. Then, his best mate, Jake, picking him up around eight to take him and a few others to a bar in the middle of town. It was quaint, still bustling around with a DJ and dancing in the middle of the floor. After his friends found dance partners, he grabbed himself another drink and sat down in a booth they'd saved for the night. A shorter boy with bright blue eyes turned up after, commenting on the bowtie he sported, 'birthday boy'. At first, Liam just brushed it off with a laugh.

Louis sat down next to him without skipping a beat. "So, you mean to tell me, birthday boy here is sitting alone in a booth? On the night of his big day?" Louis questioned with a bright smile.

Liam took two large gulps of his drink and sat it back down on the table a bit too harshly. "And you think you have a solution?" Liam replied. Louis raised his eyebrows at the sass but never let his smile falter.

"Come with me and I'll show you," Louis had said.

With Liam being the naïve boy he was, he thought Louis meant to take him home and have his wicked way with him. That, however, did not turn out to be the case.

Liam followed Louis to a park, alcohol still slipping through his veins. They talked most of the way, Liam divulging in his life, and love life. Louis listened intently during the entire thing. Once they reached a sector of the park that was hidden from the general public, Louis turned to Liam and slowed his breathing down. Liam, still tipsy and stupid, took a step back. He almost fell over when Louis lifted his head and stared at Liam head on, bright red eyes cascading a shadow over Liam.

"Fucking shit," Liam yelled. Louis's eyes went soft as he took a tentative step towards the younger boy. He held out his hand in a motion that told Liam he wasn't going to hurt him.

"Trust me," he whispered. "How would you feel about being able to run a mile without tiring? See things you couldn't before, smell things you couldn't, and hear even the slightest whispers from a city away?" Louis asked.

"Why me?" Liam asked gently.

"I have a feeling you're going to benefit from this," Louis said, turning his hand over so Liam could take it. Liam did so with hesitation. "I'm not going to hurt you, Liam. Trust me."

And that was it, really. Louis took Liam to the house Louis's parents bought for him before their departure and explained everything he could. He told them about werewolves, after he gave Liam some coffee and a snack to sober him up. They talked for hours on end about it, turning, the full moon, and misconceptions most people have about the creatures. Louis told Liam about his first full moon and how it was agonizing, but easier as the years went on. By the end of it, Louis had taken Liam to the living room where he could lie on the floor. The bite was painful, probably the worst pain Liam's ever been in. But afterwards, it was the most glorious feeling.

me, him, and the moon (larry au)Where stories live. Discover now