“What? -What do we have to do?” Ball asked.

“You have to give Ball's soul back to the science guy so he can make another Ball. Go back to the source,” Diggs said it like it was no big deal.

“Can't we do the difficult soul moving thing instead?” Ball asked.

“No, badluckyian. I know it can be done, not how to start. I don't want to... touch the fibers of your soul…” She reached out in the air pretending to touch something gently, “It's too dangerous,” She took her hand back, “Harm your soul and you might never find peace. You’d be eternally broken and lash out,”

“But I can't go back to Johnson! Wouldn't we blend together or whatever?!” Ball shouted.

“Yeah, but would you rather stay in there? .. If.. I think-I’m-talking-to-who-I’m-talking-to,” Diggs said, “Look. It's really your choice David. You are the soul in charge since it's YOUR body. How much longer can you live like this,” Diggs said playing devil's advocate.

David thought about it.

We can't live like this forever.
I don't want to be Johnson!
You won’t be Johnson for long.
I don't want to be Johnson at all! What if I come back different when he makes me again!?
You'll become different if you stay here anyway!
I don't want to be like Johnson!

The thought repeated. It was more like a cry for help if anything. It was all she could think about, because David had made up his mind.

“Thanks... for being, tolerable,” David said. He walked out of the room.
“Bye, I guess,” Diggs said.

No! No! No! No! No!
CAN YOU STOP FREAKING OUT! you sound like a phycopath! This is better for both of us!!
.. I guess so, but I can't let you do this.

Ball attempted to stop David from walking, but he just continued casually as ever.

Please!! I really think I'd be better if we just blended together like in that dream we had. That wasn't so bad.
That dream has nothing to do with this. It was just creepy, and weird.
This whole thing is weird!! I'm going to disappear into the man I hate most just because you don't want me in here anymore!!
You'll come back.
You don't know that!!
I'll talk to him.
Nothing gets past him! You can’t talk to him.
This is unbelievable! You're going to kill me!! I thought you cared about me! But this, is CARELESS!!
You're going to dissolve either way Ball. You're saying things like I would, you're not thinking straight.
You don't know that! You know what I'm saying is true!! You know how I feel about Johnson! You told me I didn't have to be like him, but now I am literally being forced to be a part of him like some sort of organ! In any case, like this one, I'd rather be your organ…
But I can't bring you back.
Yes you can. It's easy, you just have to put my body in a boiling activator tank.
But would that even work outside the source?!

As they were walking a stranger noticed them, and stopped them.

“Are- you ok??” The stranger asked.

“I dOn’t WanNa bE jOHnSon!!” Ball said covered in a mess of tears and snot.


At the Science Commission building David entered looking so emotionally battered that nobody bothered to stop him.

“WhERe’s J-JoHnSon! NO!” David roared. Everyone around him picked up their cell phones.

In the 2nd floor hallway David and Johnson met to discuss.

“Have any explanation for causing a panic in my building?” Johnson swiftly glanced at what David was holding,“If it isn't that Ball is dead or something, because by the way she looks I'm going to guess that something happened and you feel guilty,”

“I dOn't feEl gUilty. BaLl is jUssst, ups-s-SET,” David wailed. He then whimpered a little.

Johnson raised a brow and crossed his arms.

Ball, is upset?” He asked slowly as to be clear.

“YesS! HEr SoUl is StUck in mY boDy. I h-h-have to givE her t-t-to yOU so you can make her agAin!! DOn't!! He's not t-t-trust worthy!!” David and Ball said. Johnson walked around the mess.

“This is really fascinating,” He said looking them over.
“S-s-shake my hand, and willingly take her back!!” David put his arm out. The lad trembled.

I know, it's ok, I'm sorry, I know, I'm sorry, it's ok-

He repeated in his mind. The fear was equally effecting him. The handshake scared him all the same.

“Sure,” Johnson put his arm out. David grabbed it and shook almost like a shiver. Ball had left him, so he stood up straight and stopped crying.

Johnson looked him dead in the eye.

“I'm gone,” He said.
“... Who's gone?” David asked.
“... I don't know why I said that,” Johnson said blankly. He turned around to walk away.

“Wait! Aren't you gonna make Ball again?” David held out Ball's body. Johnson turned around.
“Maybe later,” Johnson began to walk away again. David caught up with him and grabbed his shoulder.
“Hands off!” Johnson roared, pushing him away.

“Where is the, -the activator!” David stood firm. Johnson looked at him, and then continued to walk.

“THIS is the exact reason why Ball didn't want this to happen! This is MURDER!!” David screamed.
“No, it's worse David,” Johnson said quietly walking over to David. He snatched Ball's body, “But I need some time to figure things out,”

He turned his back for the last time and walked away.

“Promise to bring her back,” David stood stiff. Johnson didn't say anything.


Johnson ignored him.

“AH!” David screeched. He kicked the wall, and glanced at Johnson. He then huffed down the opposite hall. Before he made it to the first floor, he was hit with grief.
He didn't exactly blame himself, but the loss was still harsh to him.

You took the easy way out. Now she's just a concept. Oh now I'd like to speak to that concept again.

He broke down in the stairwell, repeating his mourning thoughts of misery.

BFDI: Golf Ball And The Yoyle Humans 3Where stories live. Discover now