Chapter 44: Waiting

Start from the beginning

"I never meant to lead him on." I defend myself.

"No, but you always give just enough to keep him hanging on. So you need to decide what you want and you need to decide it now. He won't wait forever. It's time to make a choice."

"I really don't know what to do Lou. I wish I could just see into the future and know how it would turn out." I whine.

"Well I know exactly how it would turn out." She replies.

"So if I decide to let him go?"

"Then you're going to miss him. You're going to wake up every morning and miss him. You're going to regret not choosing him and you're going to wish you had told him how you felt when you had the chance. You're going to compare every guy you meet to him and none of them will measure up. You're going to miss his laugh and his jokes and his smile and his heart. You're going to miss him, and you're going to know it's all your own fault."

I take a minute to think about what she just said. I know she's right, I would be miserable without him.

"And what if I decide to be with him Lou?"

"Then you'll be happy." She shrugs, "Cause there's nothing that man loves more than to see you smile."

"You make it sound so simple."

"Love isn't simple Ava, but it's worth it."

"Who said anything about Love?" I ask, surprised at her use of words.

"Your eyes, every time you see Harry." She sighs and then stands up, "It's not over yet Ava. But be sure you make up your mind before it is."

Lou gets up and gives me a hug before walking back towards her table. I drop my head into my hands. Why do I always make everything so difficult?

Do I really push Harry away because I know he would actually accept my past? Am I that scared of love?

Of course I am, who wouldn't be after what I went through?

I'm afraid of the risk, but what do I really have to lose? I groan. God I've been an idiot.

I need to talk to him. Tonight.

I get up and quickly make my way across the room. I stop to say goodbye to Freya then head outside and hail a cab. The ride across town feels like forever and I swear I'm going to lose my mind by the time we get to the hotel. We pull up to the curb and I take a wad of bills out of my clutch and toss it into the front seat.

I hurry inside and make my way towards the elevator. I hit the button over and over again, willing it to move faster. It finally dings and I don't waste any time in hitting the number for the floor our rooms are on. Again an eternity passes before the doors finally open onto our floor.

I pass by my room, trying to remember which one Harry is in. Right! He's across the hall and three doors down. I stop in front of his door and freeze. What the hell am I going to say to him?! I stand there for a good five minutes before I decide to just wing it. I'll know what to say when I see him.

I knock on his door and hold my breath.

When he doesn't answer I knock again.

And then again.

Where could he be? He left the club over an hour ago.

I decide to go with my last resort and pull out my phone. My hands shake as I press send and put the phone up to my ear.

--Sorry but the number you are trying to reach is currently unavailable.--

Shit! His phone is turned off. I try him two more times just in case before I give up.

Okay, I'll just wait for him to get back. I sit down in front of his door as modestly as I can and wait.

And wait.

And wait.

And wait.

I finally check my phone. 3:12am. I've been sitting here for over two hours. Where is he?

I slowly haul myself up off the ground and head towards my room. Looks like I'll be waiting until tomorrow morning to talk to him.

I let myself into my room and lay down on the bed. I'm far to tired to get changed so I just turn the lamp off next to me, surrounding myself in darkness so I can drift off to sleep.

That's the last thing I remembered before I was woken up by a hand being put over my mouth. I try to scream, but my cries are silenced by the tight grip across my face.

I try to make out who is standing over me, but it's to dark.

Then I hear the voice, the one I've never been able to forget.

"Miss me Kelsey? Cause I've missed you."


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! I spend hours and hours writing this and it only takes a second. It would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

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