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3 years later

Think about this. Your sitting in bed, enjoying your novel when suddenly a mad women enters your room and starts screaming.
What would you do?
How about this, the mad woman is your girlfriend?
Would you panick?
Yeah, so I panicked too.
"I DID IT! COMRADE THIS... THIS IS SO COOL!" Rose kept screaming.
I got all worked up and asked her what happened and if she's okay.
Apparently, rose got a promotion and was now the head of all the guards even all the elite ones.
"That's great rose! But you didn't need to give me a heart attack about it"

You see after my very unfortunate love life had been going on for a while I made up with rose the night of pav and my engagement party after she got arrested. It took a little time for me to get back and everything to go back to normal but it did and now I have my soul mate.
I understood why yeva had done everything now.
She had been her questions about pav so she kicked rose out and make her get information from out side. And she was also right.
It was hard for rose to trust anything and anyone for a while because of all the loses she faced in life. But we couldn't be happier.
And after pav got out and was proven non-guilty she got engaged to Josh. The guy rose was talking to her about.
Apparently, she was forced to be with me and was actually in love with josh.
Rose and I had even attended their wedding. 
Speaking of weddings.
I have been planning on proposing to rose and now since she's really happy it's the most perfect opportunity.
To say I took the opportunity is a understatement.
I made sure her favorite flowers were there I made her favorite dinner I got dressed up and I got on one knee.

Rose said yes and I knew for a fact that she was no longer broken because love can heal you.

The End

A/n what do you think? Hope you enjoyed the story. ❤ love you guys so much❤
The support I got over this story is amazing as this is my second story ever. And I know that I made writing mistakes and I'm not that good but I really hoped you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Though out this story I think I really found a voice of mine even if I struggled a lot with this story.
Thanks you so much for reading this ❤

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