"In the center room, why" Allura responds, tilting her head in confusion.

"I'll wait for you in there. Here someone can eat my food. Sorry if it was too close to me that none of you want it. Oh and Lance, you might not want it, I did look at it" I tell him and walk out of the room.

"Keith wait" I hear Shiro's voice but I already closed the door. I start doing push-ups until they come in.

"Working out eh? You need it" Lance says as he walks in.

"So do you, drama queen. I bet I could best you in a training sequence any day" I say lowering my eyes into a glare.

"As if, the team needs me, right" that word rang through my head. I couldn't believe that he felt that way. He is perfect!

"How about an arm wrestle" I suggest. He nods and I let him win.

"See I told you" he exclaims. Everyone congratulates Lance and looks at me with disappointed looks.

"Ok, we just need to form Voltron. What you are going to do is let all thoughts leave you. Just think of forming Voltron" coran says and makes us all sit down.

Flashes of my mother's grave flashes through my mind. I look up see Pidge struggling to. Lance looks up and frowns at me.

"Stop thinking of you crying Keith! We all know you're a crybaby" Lance growls and I form the red lion. Pidge forms the green lion. My hologram flickers out and no one notices. Pidges flickers out about two seconds later.

"Come on guys" Allura states lowly.

"I'm sorry I just don't want people to go through my head" Pudge storms out and everyone turns to me. I try to focus on my lion but this time it is Shiro. He is promising his return.

"Keith-" Shiro starts but I get up and leave. Lance looks at hunk with confusion but I just slam the door.

I go into the training room train. If they don't want me here, I can at least train and make sure that I can help. So I train until alarms start to go off.

I turn my Bayard into a hair tie and pull my long hair into a ponytail. My hair is just a tad bit longer than Pidges, but for a guy, it is long.

"Keith! I wasn't expecting you to be here first! Where is your Bayard" she asks, as Shiro runs in. I pull down my hair and Shiro smiles approvingly.

"That will be useful" Shiro says.

"Everyone is here- wait where's Lonce" Allura asks with her accent. Just then Lance walks in with a face mask and in his PJs.

"Good morning guys" he says, sleepily. I blush slightly and storm out of the room.

"It's ok Lance, you'll do better next time" Pidge and Hunk comfort. I start training again and soon the team comes in here.

"Keith! Um we were about to do team bonding... We were uh going to send Pidge to get you" Shiro lies.

"Right" I say and the training session begins.

"You have to protect your team mates, no matter what the cost" Coran says. These little microbots come out amd start attacking.

I spring into action. Lance ducks and the thing is flying towards hunk, I block it with my sword and then I save Pidge from another one of his dodges.

"Shiro 35°" I yell and he gets it. I try to save hunk from another hit, but I wasn't fast enough. Lance saves Pidge and Pidge smiles at him.

Shiro ducks and I try to save Pidge while Lance is pretending to be a hero. I miss but save Lance from one.

I am now standing back to back with Lance amd Shiro. Lance almost gets hit but I block it with my sword. While I do that, Shiro ducks and a bot hit Lance.

I keep protecting Shiro until I get hit. When we all go back, Allura glares at all of us.

"Does anyone know why that didn't work? That was a level set for an Altean child" Allura fumes.

"If Mullet head here had worked a little harder than I wouldn't have been hit" Lance shoves me.

"I saved all of you at least once! Mostly because Lance being the pretty boy he is kept dodging without paying attention to his team mates" I say.

"Not true Keith, it was you who wasn't paying attention. Stop trying to be better than me" Lance glares. I step back as I see everyone glare at me.

"It's not a good thing to lie Keith" Shiro scolds and I just nod.

"You're right, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have dodged without caring for where my team mates were. I'm sorry for making all of you loose. I am sorry that all of you to have a lier as your team mate. Most of all, I'm sorry that I'm alive. Bye" I storm off to my room.

Before anyone could stop me, I locked my door and start doing sit-ups and other exercises. A knock sounded at my door, but I left it. Then a beautiful voice rang through.

"Keith" it was Lance.

I open the door and see him looking sad. His eyes were red, he had been crying. Did I... Make him cry?

"Y- yes" I ask.

"I'm sorry" he pulls me into a hug and I freeze. The last person to hug me was Shiro right before he disappeared.

"It's ok" I look away from him as tears well up in my eyes.

"No it's not Keith! Why are you forgiving me? I have treated you like crap the entire time we have been here! Stop being nice" he yells.

"I forgive you because you need the teams live more than I do. I know that you miss home. Please let me do this. I want them to like you more, because I know what it's like to go without love, you don't. Just forget it" I push him back and close the door.

Authors Note

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. This is a Sheith and Klance fanfiction. If you have any suggestions for this book, please tell me. I live tips from my readers. Also, please read my other books!


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