13 | 'what thing? i'm ... i'm thingless...'

Start from the beginning

        Combing her fingers through her hair, Eun Ra enjoyed the almost foreign yet familiar feel of her soft dark tresses.

        "Yeah, that's not happening," she was giving dissonant shake of her head when she remembered he couldn't see her. "I've got a feeling he's broken up with his girlfriend. And I think he might really like me."

        "The urge to say 'I told you so' is incredibly strong, except this isn't something I'm proud of."

        "You're such a spoilsport."

        There was silence, one that both parties welcomed and appreciated. Eun Ra wished for a chance to see Heechul right this moment, as she was certain he was having similar wishes.

        "So, the pleasantries enough for you yet?" He spoke up.

        Eun Ra sighed. "Fine, just promise me we'll still get to talk about Hansol before this call over."

        "I butt swear... even though I'm not there to have it practicalised."

        And she took his word for it. No one butt swears - their thing - and refuses to me well on that promise. The repercussions were absolutely dire.

        "So, what did they tell you?"

        "About some guy that hates your guts for reasons you're not sure about" - she was sure now - "how said guy sabotaged your tryouts and then your reaction. Gotta say, I'm proud of you for that last bit."

        She groaned, plopping down on her bed, not in the least bothered about her semi-indecency. She was permitted this short period of freedom before she resumed pretending. "Well, they didn't tell you I've been avoiding him like the plague ever since."


        "Why? I'll be dead meat, Chullie. That's why. In his eyes, in everyone's freaking eyes, I'm a dude. I'm very sure nothing would deter him from payback against his worst enemy."

        "Then I'm coming over."

        "You will do no such thing." She warned. "Understood?"

        Heechul grumbled out an affirmation, ever so reluctant.

        "What's your plan then?"

        Unfortunately, she hadn't thought one. Just yet. The question in itself had incited a bit of worry within her, reminding the girl that she didn't have all the time of the world. Just few months left. Few months until Doyoung's return. Few months before they played against her school. No way, no how, was she going to miss the one match that started it all. But if that was ever going to happen, Eun Ra knew she had to step up her A-game; become much more proactive.

        Maybe she could ask Taeyong for help? He was the vice captain after all and had as much rights as the captain himself had, right?

        Except, she was scared. Even with three weeks past, she didn't think they had bonded enough to be asking for extreme favours. Needless to say, she was bad news as it was. Coach would definitely want her staying a good distance away from his boys and vice versa before she inflicted more than just a minor bruise to the cheek.

Who's That Guy? | Yuta [Book 1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now