#10- Imagine for Alyssa

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A/N: heys guys!!let me known if you have ideas or requests in the comments below or message me:)

Xoxo, sydneyy😘

*Alyssa's POV*

"Ugh are we almost at the front?" My best friend Becky complained while we were waiting in line to meet Hayes Grier at a Magcon event. We had been waiting for hours on end and I was almost debating on wether or not it was really worth waiting in line anymore and to just leave. I was getting cut in line, pushed and shoved and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Becky why don't i just leave?" I asked her. She's always loved Hayes way more than I did. I mean yeah, I loved Hayes but trust me, not as much as she did.

She at looked me wide eyed with her hands on my shoulders, "No way Jose, you are staying with me. It all will be worth it in the end.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes. An hour went by and we were next in line. I actually started to kinda freak out inside because the Hayes Grier was standing in front of me. Becky was in front of me and was not hiding that she was freaking out.

"OMIGOD H-HAYES HIIIIII I LOVE YOU S-SO MUCH." she screamed in his face and starting crying happy tears. I'm sorry I mouthed to him when Becky wasn't looking. He laughed in response and turned his attention back towards Becky.

"Here Alyssa, take our picture." Becky said handing me her iPhone. Hayes was kissing her cheek in the picture while Becky was standing beside him, it had to be the cutest picture ever. Once Becky was done meeting him she moved on to the other Magcon boys and got pictures with them.

"Hey beautiful." Hayes said to me after Becky left, which left me blushing like crazy. I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, "Hey I'm Alyssa, nice to finally meet you." I said with the biggest smile on my face

"A girl as beautiful as you shouldn't have to wait in a line like that." He said looking into my eyes. I was speechless. He just called me beautiful, for the second time. Stay calm, don't ruin this, I said to myself.

"So should we take this picture?" I asked him with a smirk on my face. Really? That's all you could come up with? I asked myself. For the picture, Hayes hugged me from behind and kissed me on the cheek, and I didn't even ask him too.

"Thank you so much Hayes." I said before I was going to move on to the next Magcon boys.

"Anything for you beautiful." He said winking at me. As I was hugging him goodbye I felt his warm lips whisper something in my ear, "Call me later." he said, putting a piece of paper in my back pocket sending chills down my spine. I nodded my head and walked away in awe. Holy shit. Hayes Grier just gave me his number, Becky's never going to believe this. Once Becky and I got to the General Admission area to wait for the show to start, I decided to tell her.

"Becky you're never going to believe this, bit hayesgavemehisnumberandtoldmetocallhimlater." I said biting my lip, not knowing how she would response.

"OMG HAYES GAVE YOU HIS NUMBER?!?!?" she shouted with joy so everybody could hear.

"Shhhhhhh." I said covering her mouth with my hand.

"Sorry, sorry. But he actually gave you his number?" she whispered to me this time. I pulled out to piece of paper and showed it to her. Her eyes went bug eyed while she gasped.

"Omigod, this is amazing." she said with the biggest smile on her face. The show finally started and Becky and I were right in the front. Through the whole show, I could feel Hayes' eyes on me. Every time he looked at me, Becky would nudge me and freak out.

*After the show*

"So when ya gonna call him??" Becky asked me as soon as we got in our hotel room.

"Becky, chill, he probably hasn't even gotten back to his hotel room yet." I said to her as I put my bag down on a chair next to the tv.

"So? Who cares? Go get em tiger!" she said plopping down on her bed.

"If I call him now, will you be quiet for like, 5 seconds?"

"Mmhm." she said. "Just make sure you put him on speaker." I laughed at her response and dialed his number. My heart was racing while the phone keep ringing.

"Hello?" he finally answered.

"Hi, it's Alyssa." I said biting my nail.

I heard him sigh in relief before answering, "I thought you'd never call beautiful." he said. Becky covered her mouth to prevent herself from yelping at his response. I waved her away and went back to Hayes.

"Am I bothering you? Cause if I am, I can hang up." I said, not wanting to bother him.

"Not at all beautiful. Actually, I was wondering if you wanted to hangout in my room with me and the boys." he asked. At this point Becky and I were both covering our mouths to prevent yelping at his response.

"Y-yeah I would l-like that. Can my friend Becky come?" I asked.

"Of course." he said.

"Great, see you soon." I said after he gave me his room number. When Becky and I got to his room, we got introduced to everybody and just hung out and chilled.

"Hayes, you are right, Alyssa is stunning. So is her friend." I could hear Nash say extremely loudly to Hayes. Becky and I just blushed and went back to talking to the other boys. Becky was right, it was all worth it in the end.
A/N: heys guys, I hoped you liked it!! let me know what I should post next..if you have ideas or requests in the comments below or don't be afraid to message me:)

Xoxo, sydneyy😘

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