The Art Of Passing Out

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I quickly woke up from the impact of a harsh slap to my face. I blinked to let my eyes adjust to the familiar sight of my older sister.

Luna cried out in relief and embraced me in a tight hug. "I-I thought you were gone. You fainted a-and I was so scared."

I just hugged her back, unable to speak because I was dehydrated and we were lacking water. Two more months had passed, and we were stuck in a part of the mall. We didn't dare go out, I wasn't strong enough to fight all those rotters.

Just as I felt my drowsiness take over my body again, a loud alarm rang throughout the store we were staying in. What the hell? The store has been abandoned for months and now the goddamn security alarm rings?

Ugh, the alarm is making my head hurt.

"Come on, let's go we have to leave. The rotters are already coming." Luna pulls me up to my feet with panic evident in her voice.

She supports me with one arm around my waist. We walk carefully but fast enough out the exit door. Through my barely opened eyes I spot a group of rotters running towards the direction of the sound, which was our direction. I weakly lift a finger to point out a hiding spot behind a car. Luna pulls me towards the hiding spot.

We both stop as we hear a low growl coming from behind the car. Fuck.

Out comes the rotter in all its snarling glory. Its so tall it even shocks me out of my tired coma, but only for a second. I lose balance and so does Luna and I end up plummeting to the ground.

I felt like I was in slow motion. My heart was beating so fast I could hear the thump of my heartbeat in my eardrums. The rotter snapped its ugly, disgusting face in my direction, and I felt my heart stop beating. Then I felt darkness cloud my eyes.

Jeez Solis, what the hell is wrong with you?

"You... need... to.. WAKE UP!" A voice was screaming at me, but I could barely keep my eyes open, and the idea of sleep seemed very comforting.

Suddenly the smell of shrimp chips burned my nose and my eyes shot open. I took the chip my sister was holding up and ate it. Then I looked around to check my surroundings. One, there were a group of rotters chasing us. Two, I was on my older sister's back and she was carrying me while running.

I realized what was going on and looked for a place she should run to. Remembering I still can't speak I point in the direction of the abandoned warehouse a couple of miles ahead. Luna ran faster in response.

Oh no. Not again. I could feel myself starting to faint-

Damn, aren't I so predictable? I really have mastered the art of passing out.

A/N: YES YO GIRL BROUGHT BACK THE SHRIMP CHIPS, and the abandoned warehouse is pictured above.

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