Risking Lives for Some Food

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We soon later found out that this pandemic was the effect of a nuclear war from North Korea. North Korea had started a nuclear war with the U.S. by releasing a nuclear bomb. The fumes and chemicals of the bomb reached the civillians, and it had a very powerful reaction to the human body.

Any contact with the fumes resulted in instant death, then in a matter of seconds it brings them back to life, but they come back to life with a new purpose... to eat those who remained unaffected by the disease.

The nuclear bomb didn't even land close to where we lived, but made its home in New York. The spread of the disease happened so quickly, that it only took a day for the entire globe to be infected. My sister and I weren't aware because our broke asses can't afford a TV.

It's been around three months since the zombie apocalypse started. What are we doing now? Well to answer that question, we're doing what anyone would do in this situation... surviving.

"That box of shrimp chips is right behind that group of rotters." I whispered, crouching next to my sister in our hiding place.

"Are you seriously going to get those?" Luna whisper-shouted, judging me.

"I've been craving them ever since we entered this oriental store. Look, there's only four rotters, I'll take the two on my left, and you'll take the two on your right," I eyed the shrimp chips and remembered their delicious salty goodness, mmmm. "Let's do it! Capiche? Capiche!"

I hurriedly crawled over to the next hiding place, without waiting for my sister to answer me back. Damn, I could hardly wait to get my mouth on those. Luna followed behind and I swear I could feel  her roll her eyes at me.

Sister instincts, amirite?

When you're stuck in a dystopian world of zombies, then killing them is a part of survival. I check my surroundings to see if there's any other rotters than just the four we were planning to attack.

When the nuclear bomb set off, it created blind rotters, but they use their hearing to navigate. Any sound that you make around a rotter is critical. I gesture to my sister, three fingers, meaning we'll attack on the count of three.

One.. Two...

"WAIT!" Luna mouths at me, waving her fingers in my face. "Do we attack exactly on three or after three?" She carefully whispers into my ear.

I don't answer and decide to just yell out, "THREEE!" She's caught off guard and moves in to handle the two oncoming rotters.

I laugh loudly while she has scolds me while fighting off a rotter. The other two rotters run towards my way. The way to kill a rotter is to destroy their main organ that's keeping them alive and fully functional... the brain.

I push one rotter into the other rotter causing both of them to fall. Then in one swift powerful kick to both of their heads, their heads are smashed.  "Did you see that?! I just killed two with ONE kick!" I jumped up with joy and did a little happy dance.

Luna was not amused. "Oi! That was not funny, next time we should both agree to the plan and not just recklessly attack," She crossed her arms and frowned, "I can't believe you just did that, for some shrimp chips!"

"Shh, calm down and just taste them. They're so delicious." I quickly opened a pack and tried to feed some to her.

"No. No way. I- Oh wow, these taste really good." She munched happily on the chips.

I smiled and savored the taste in my mouth. "We're taking this whole pack." I declared. Luna stuffed a whole handful in her mouth in agreement.

That was worth the shrimp chips.

A/N: I may or may not have been craving shrimp chips when I wrote this... BUT SERIOUSLY, I could use some right now.

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