02 | last first day !

Start from the beginning

I was immediately awake and much quicker as I brushed my teeth and ran a brush through my tangled, yet surprisingly clean, hair. 

I glanced in the mirror one last time, I can't put it off any longer, I thought, walking into my closet. I had barely unpacked anything yet, though some of my stuff hung neatly on hangers.

I stared at the clothes aimlessly, eventually deciding to try my hand at a pep talk. "You've got this Annalise, Mom would be so proud of you for just getting out of bed, for even considering this. You can do this," it was a poor attempt, but it definitely helped.

I reached up and started to fork my way through the clothing hung up, and even rifled through some of the boxes.

Though nothing I had found so far was good enough, this was my first day back in two years. I wanted to make a good impression, I didn't want classmates to look at mean and only remember the sophomore that ran away... but, they also didn't know the whole story, that was reserved for Aiden, dad, and I.

I sat at the edge of my bed, head in my hands. This shouldn't be so stressful. I took a deep breath, "Okay, how about this: I'll just wear the first thing that comes to mind, no ifs, ands, or buts." I agreed to my own terms and astonishingly, I knew almost immediately what I was going to wear.

In my mind I pictured my favorite pair of casual, straight-legged jeans, and the navy blue and red 'New York' sweatshirt that I had thrifted with my mom. It was one of my favorite memories from when mom and I were still getting settled in Australia. Because at the time, we thought it amazing that something like it had traveled this far and ended up in my arms.

I had always wanted to visit New York, as a child I dreamed of being scouted for a singing career, and in turn, mom promised she would take me for graduation.

Although, now it seemed like nothing more than a silly childhood dream, considering... I glanced over at my guitar sitting neatly on its stand. Memories flashed through my mind at warp speed, painful ones. It had been a long time since I had ran my fingers over the varnish, the engraving, or even strummed the strings.

It had become too much pain, too much to bear. It felt as if my soul decided that I didn't deserve the music I loved so much, and I couldn't help but agree with it.

A chill went down my spine, and shaking off the painful thoughts and memories, I started to dig around for the clothes. It was hard to avoid, but I was starting to get better at it.

When I found them I started to get dressed, buttoning my jeans and tucking the edge of the sweatshirt into my bra to give it a more cropped look. I slipped on my shoes and headed back into the bathroom.

My hair was entirely unruly, and I didn't have anyone to blame. After washing it on Wednesday night and then spending fourteen hours of Thursday on a plane, I hadn't had a chance to wash it. Causing my blonde locks to fall down my back in waves, the natural oils coating it in a way I would never have let happen at home.

Greasy hair is one of my biggest pet peeves.

I gathered half of it in my hands and braided it, leaving the mostly-clean underside free. Now it was out of my face and for the most part, hid the grease.

I heard my phone vibrate, suddenly reminding me of Zara and Charlotte. When I picked it up it was just a text from Aiden telling me to hurry, but below it was the message I had been waiting for.

It arrived shortly after I'd sent it, and it read: 'Annalise, we're so glad, though we miss you already! You haven't missed much in this short time, but we'll be sure to update you! Love and miss you, Charlotte and Zara.'

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