Chapter 16 - Life

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Thank you all for being patient in waiting for this update. I hope you enjoy it! If you do, please dont forget to vote and comment!

Gennie xx



It felt like hours had passed since my feet last touched firm, solid ground. My thighs and lady parts were sore and bruised from riding for so long, but finally, we arrived at the place Leonardo had been looking for.

It was a little cottage in the midst of the woods, moss covering the wooden walls and roof, and vines crept up beside the windows which had been left open.

The small building instantly reminded me of a witch's house from the fairytales I used to hear at the orphanage when I was little.

Leo climbed off his horse and walked to the wooden door which was covered by vibrant green moss and algae. He knocked three times and took a step back.

After a few moments, an old, withered looking lady opened the door.

"Signora Martina," he said, bowing slightly to the old woman.

"Leonardo De Leonardis!" she practically screamed. She flung herself at him, wrapping her wrinkly, sundried arms around him.

He spoke to her in Italian before motioning to me, and the woman smiled kindly at me, although it looked quite gruesome considering she had only one tooth in the front of her mouth.

They spoke together a little more, until she headed back inside and Leo beckoned me to follow them both.

Inside looked very welcoming, but at the same time very lonely – you could tell she rarely, if ever, had visitors.

A cauldron of what smelled like stew was bubbling away above the open fire, and I hoped she had made enough to share.

Leonardo and I sat down, as she had instructed at the table, while she busied herself with picking up bits and bobs that she hadn't bothered to put away before we arrived.

"She says she apologises for the mess, she wasn't expecting visitors," Leonardo translated for me.

"Tell her I don't mind at all."

She began laying out some bowls on the table and I thanked God that I would finally have something to eat.

They both talked amongst each other until she finally sat down with us, each with a small bowl of stew in front of us. It wasn't much for my growling stomach, but it was better than nothing.

After I'd finished, I sat patiently while they began talking again.

I won't lie, I was beginning to get sick of being left out of conversations, even though it wasn't their fault that I couldn't understand Italian. I was getting bored of not knowing what they were talking about. For all I knew, Leonardo could be confessing his undying love to her.

She smiled broadly at him, revealing that one lonely tooth, and I hoped to God, for his sake that that wasn't what they were talking about. I smiled to myself at the thought.


Eventually, the woman laid out some blankets on the floor for us to sleep in before she disappeared into the other room.

Although Italy was a lot warmer than Britain, it was still pretty cold once the sun went down. Especially in this woods.

We both climbed underneath the blankets next to the fire, back against the hard, dirt floor. It wasn't the most comfortable, but it would do. I've slept in worse conditions.

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