Death is Cold as Ice

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Jack was falling deeper and deeper into the ice cold water. Bubbles of air escaped his mouth, wanting to scream, trying to take a breath. He could see the moon and that's when he decided, he didn't want to die. He moved his arms and kicked his legs more aggressively through the water.

"Jack! Jack wake up! Jack!" Elsa shook Jack more furiously. His coughs had came more frequently as he began to thrash around. Fear had overcame her, she didn't want to lose him, she couldn't leave with out him. He was dying right before her eyes.

Jack was thrashing through the water. He was suffocating now, the ice cold water was filling his lungs, sending him deeper and deeper into the icy abyss. He had breathed he's last breath and that is when his whole world went black. when the world fell silent.

❄ Elsa's P.O.V ❄

"Jack?!" I froze. He had stopped coughing, which means he stopped breathing. My heart became heavy as I began to tremble.

"! Jack wake up! Please wake up!" I begged shaking him again. His body was cold, a coldness that only meant death. I shook my head as tears stung my eyes.

"Jack wake up! Please wake up!" I shook him again. His face was white, his eyes shut and lifeless. I began to tremble even more as pain came over me. It became hard for me to breath as the pain of losing him stabbed my heart. My jaw tightened.

"Jack wake up! Don't you dare leave me! Wake up! Please..." My voice became a tremble, a whisper.

"Please...wake up, please." My lower lip began to tremble uncontrollably, my hands clutched his shirt tight. He laid there still, silent, lifeless, I began to crumble as tears stained my cheeks.

"No..." I began in a soft trembling whisper. "No, you can't be dead. you can't," I shook my head as I cried. I was shattered, I laid my head on his chest as I cried into it, I had failed. I...I lost him! I cried harder, he's...dead, Jack's dead! No...NO!

"NO!" I screamed as I cried, burying my face in his chest. Wanting to feel him, wanting to hear him, wanting to be with him once more. Please...please don't take him, please...don't take him! Please!

It came over me a like a wave, the pain and heartache. It felt like I was losing a part of me, a part of my soul, the part that belonged to him. Memories of him flashed through my mind as his words echoed through my head. The memories flowed in my mind with his own set of words.

"Elsa," and shivers ran down my spine when he always said my name. He would never say my name again.

"I won't let anyone or anything hurt you ever again," and his concerned face flashed in my eyes as I could feel his hand on my shoulder. It wasn't there, all I felt was coldness.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" He screamed as Pitch put his lips on my skin. I would never hear his voice again.

"Better," He said as he intertwined his fingers behind my waist. I would never be in his arms ever again.

"Snowflake, my sweet snowflake." His arms had tighten around me that day. They will never tighten again, never making me feel safe and warm.

"I love you," He said with a smile on his face. I...I would never his beautiful smile.

"Good, because I plan to love you to the end of eternity and far beyond that."

I sobbed silently in that room, on the white blanket, on his hard firm chest. I sobbed with pain, with lost, and love. I was dying and all I could think of was...


❄ Pitch's P.O.V ❄

I couldn't stand on my own two feet, it felt like someone had just punched me in the stomach. I wobbled as I tried to get a hold of myself and...I couldn't. I fell to my knees, my whole body tensed as I began to choke on the fact. On the fact that just happened, Jack Frost was dead. No...No! I shook my head, thinking it wasn't possible. Thinking that he couldn't of died, this couldn't be happening. was, it was happening, but I didn't want to believe it. I was grieving, my heart was aching as I felt like I was crumbling and...I was. I pounded the ground with my fist and screamed in pain. My jaw had tightened as I gritted my teeth and with out knowing...tears began to stain my face.

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