4 | secrets never stay secret

Start from the beginning

Evelynn glared daggers, "You're accomplishing nothing by being here, Bellamy. Go away."

He looked at her straight in the eyes before leaving the dropship, "Fine. But if he's not better by tomorrow, I'll kill him myself."

Evelynn bit the inside of her cheeks as her anger towards Bellamy built inside her. She didn't really like hating him, sometimes he seemed like a decent guy. But most of the time, Evelynn saw him as the self-centered jerk who is very vocal about all his wrong opinions.

Besides, every good story needs a bad guy.

When Bellamy left, Evelynn audibly sighed and closed her eyes, exhaustion catching up to her. Nerves from Jasper's condition and anger about Bellamy's existence where causing her more stress than she cared to admit.

She felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, It was Finn, "You need to take a break," Evelynn would usually protest, but she was in no mood to spend another second in the stuffy dropship, so she mindlessly nodded left without another word.

When she stepped into the sun and sucked in a deep breath, she instantly felt better. Evelynn scanned the perimeter of the camp confused when she noticed the lack of Bellamy and his group of dimwits, but she wasn't complaining.

She ran up to a boy that she recognized from school years ago, Atom, who she found grabbing a knife from a box near the forest. "Hey, where are you going?"

He looked at her suspiciously, "Did Octavia send you?" Evelynn laughed a little and shook her head 'no'. She found Atom and Octavia's sudden infatuation almost entertaining.

"I'm going hunting with the group." He smirked as he took his knife and dangled it close to her face. Evelynn quickly snatched the knife and dangled it in his face like he did to her before he could react, "Can I come?"

Atom let out a breathy laugh, "With reflexes like that, hell yeah." Evelynn smiled with pride and followed him as they ventured deeper into the forest.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Bellamy asked Atom when he noticed Evelynn approaching, speaking as if she wasn't there.

Evelynn liked that she was getting under his skin, so she happily bounced on her heels, "I'm hunting,"

Bellamy scoffed, "Just stay out of my way and let the real hunters do the work, okay?"

Evelynn scoffed, "You say 'real hunters' as if you've done this before."

Atom laughed and turned to her as she continued, "Hello, reality check: We've lived on the Ark our whole lives, no one has ever hunted before."

Atom laughed as Bellamy clenched his jaw and glared Evelynn down.

"Hey you two, stop bickering and shut up," a voice called out in a whisper-yell. The boy, Jones, pointed to a wild boar walking through the grass.

Bellamy crouched down and readied himself to attack, shushing everyone as they stepped on branches. Evelynn got up near him and whispered with her knife out, "Move over, freckles,"

He stared at her incredulously, "And what the hell do you think you're doing, Ortega?"

She looked at him again innocently, "Hunting. Come on Bellamy, we've been over this. Try to keep up."

He tried so hard to ignore her teasing, but it was obvious that he was heated by her comments. They were both on the verge of throwing their weapons at the boar when a twig snapped loudly behind them.

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