
25 4 12

Tagged by IzKatiebug

1. My favorite color is pink
2. My favorite book is the land of stories, the outsiders, twisted fairytale series, kendra chronicles, and more
3. My favorite cartoon character is Patrick star
4. My favorite sport is volleyball
5. My favorite flavor of cake is CHOCOLATE
6. If I had to eat one food throughout my whole life it would be pasta?
7. I'm really good at being negative...jkjk maybe drawing? Idk. Should I do an art book? If ya wanna see that crap sure.
8. I love to sing? Write? Idk
9. The best song to dance to is STFU (It will be up top)
10. If I could be a dinosaur I would be a motherfucking t-rex
11. Writing is my favorite thing to do. EVER
12. Everyone thinks its funny when I do stupid crap.
13. This summer I want to...idk. Summer is over
14. The best superpower to have is fire
15. I want to learn how to speak Hmong (my own language)
16. I wish...well, my wish is very detailed and sounds sad sooooo it's confidential.

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