He bounces his knee. "You're just saying that because I bought you lunch."

"Maybe you just bought me lunch so I would be nice to you."

"You're not nice to me."

"I know. But I still want to hear your music."

Sighing he sits back, steps on both my feet, and looks around for the waiter while searching for his wallet.

April 22nd

Piotr and I are in the living room, tossing around pillows and looking under couches. I finally got the television off a Hannah Montana marathon, but now it's seemingly trapped on a news channel that's obsessed with the Roxxon oil spill. We have one student in a constant state of tears grieving the animals perishing in it. I would like to find whoever is responsible and drop them in the slick for an extended spa. If only greed could soak up oil.

"Found it." Piotr flicks off the TV. "Oh."

"Yeah, I could've done that."

"Alright, wait minute." He turns it back on and scrolls through the guide. "There."

"Thank you." I take the remote when he hands it. "Can you tell Julio it's on? He's been looking forward to it."

The opening of the Stark Expo is being covered on most local channels. The school has scheduled three trips to visit over the span of the year. Most of the students are excited, among them quite a few "Iron Fans." A dozen kids crowd into the lounge and prop themselves up with pillows to watch Stark light up a stage and introduce the festivities. Rain patters steadily against the windows, and someone suggests cookies.

Jenny scoops generous handfuls of chocolate chips into the dough while Kyle strategizes how to make one giant cookie. Small, symmetrical lumps of chocolate-studded dough grace Jenny's tray while Kyle's come in many ambitious shapes and sizes. Since the time taken to bake left little time to enjoy the cookies during the show, there's still a plateful of them when it ends.

I leave it in Logan's office.


April 25th

"Any luck?"

Charles shakes his head as Jean holds the door to the study open for him. "We'll see."

The other active X-Men including Piotr and Terry are already present; except for Logan who arrives late leisurely finishing off a cookie. He didn't find the plate until this morning after lifting his coat off of it.

"Bring enough to share with the class?" Storm asks with a smirk.

Piotr chuckles deep in his throat. "You got one of Kyle's."

Logan purposefully shoves him with his shoulder, prompting the younger man to shove back. The two jostle for minor seconds until Jean and Storm chide them into behaving.

Once all are settled, Charles begins giving a report from Cerebro. Jean, Scott, and Theresa are to investigate a warehouse in Queens where he suspects some Brotherhood activity to be occurring. In contrast, the other three will track a party of anti-mutants from the Church of Humanity, and prevent them from committing violence against a known mutant family in Hartford.

As they file out of the room, heading for their intended destinations, Charles remarks to Scott, "For a moment there seemed to be a situation in Brazil, but it apparently cleared itself up."

Scott frowns. "And it was mutant related?"

"You know, I lost track of him so quickly I really can't say what it was."

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