Chapter 11 - Fingerless Gloves

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"Please come with us."

Lance didn't know how or why but somehow he found himself cornered by two large men closing in on him.

"Can't we just, talk this out?"

"We don't want to hurt you, just come with us. We promise we won't hurt you." it seemed they were attempting to kidnap him whilst requesting he simply cooperate.

"Like hell!" the lanky teen emptied the contents of his grocery bag before bolting from the scene, apparently saving a bottle of maple syrup from his sacrifice of groceries.

Momentarily stunned and covered in eggs and flour, one unfortunate enough to have faced a block of butter slamming into his face, the two quickly collected themselves and darted after the smaller boy.

Although his pursuers clearly out matched him in strength Lance had confidence in his agility compared to theirs. Plunging into a crowded area he effortlessly weaved through clusters of people, almost seemingly assimilating into the crowd before slipping into a nearby shop.


Keith, Pidge, and Hunk had been circling the town in Shiro's car when Keith had abruptly pulled over and hurtled from the car, leaving the remaining two passengers befuddled.

Lance blended into the crowd, walking with his head down, the hood of his newly purchased jacket raised. Carefully he steered clear of the two men still shuffling through the crowds in search of the boy. It had greatly shocked the boy when an unknown hand gripped his arm firm.

"Lance!" his panic eased as he recognised the voice that called his name.

"Keith!" overcome with relief the caramel skinned teen glomped his pale friend, "Thank god! I was so scared."

Lance's slender arms wrapping around him had caught Keith off guard but as he noticed the other boys arms had been slightly trembling a protective urge overcame him as he returned the embrace, wrapping the other boy in a firm, confident grip.

"What's with the maple syrup?" the ravenette commented, noting the bottle pressed against his back. A rumble reverberated through their bodies from the lanky boy's chuckles that followed.

"I wanted to make pancakes but I chucked the rest of the ingredients at these two giant men that were trying to kidnap me or something!"

At hearing this Keith pushed away, concern gracing his features as he examined the boy in his arms.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

His nerves eased as he observed Lance's stunning blue eyes, his smile vibrant and tender. The boy appeared to be unharmed.

"Aw, Keith, you do care!"

Keith pulled the blue eyed boy back into his embrace, their bodies pressing together, before the boy could see the red crawling up his cheeks.

"Shut up."

"Nice jacket by the way, but what's with the gloves?" the pale teen asked his companion curiously noting the black fingerless gloves the boy had been wearing that didn't quite seem to be something he'd wear.

"Oh yeah, when I slipped away from those dudes I saw this jacket I really liked and it would help me disguise myself and blend into the crowd-"


"Hush, I'm getting to it," Lance continued, "-so I bought it but when I was in the store I also saw these gloves that reminded me of you-"


"-and it was like a two for one deal so this is for you!" the lanky boy finished pulling a second pair of the same black fingerless gloves and presenting them to his raven haired friend, "I mean normally I wouldn't wear these but with the deal... and 'sides it'd add to my disguise so I figured sure, why not, y'know?"

Dumbfounded Keith stared at the gift the other boy had offered him, the thought that Lance had thought of him when he bought the item left him flustered.

"Um, thanks," Keith muttered, accepting the gift, "We should get back to the car."

Pale hand gripping caramel wrist Lance was tugged gently through the crowd.


"Okay, how exactly did you manage to spot Lance amongst all those people with him wearing that jacket and all?" Pidge questioned, intrigued.

Keith truly had no real answer to that question, he simply could recognise Lance even miles away in a crowd full of people. He hadn't pondered on it in the moment but with the smaller girl addressing it now he realised it was indeed a bit unusual.

"Well I'm just glad he did," Hunk dismissed, "So I guess this is seriously happening." the larger boy was clearly angered that some unknown group of people were after his brother, and best friend, and today had almost succeeded.

"So... What's going on? It sounds like you guys knew this would happen," Lance chimed in, slightly confused.

The other three teens exchanged glances, a silent conversation, before Keith released a sigh and answered, "We'll explain when we get to school."

"Oh shoot! School! What time is it?!" Hunk frantically shuffled about, searching for his phone.

"Do we have time for breakfast?!" Lance added

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," the honey skinned boy beside him agreed.

Pidge chortled at they're reactions, "Thank god for drive-through."


The four teens arrived at school half an hour early. In that half an hour they ate and began explaining to their one oblivious member the recent events that lead to their current situation. Keith did, however, omit a few certain details.

"So, you're telling me, a group of people obsessed with mermaids are trying to kidnap me because they think I'm a mermaid?" Lance was honestly in disbelief, it all just seemed much too surreal. But there was something, a small part of him, that felt almost... Fulfilled, but these implausible answers he'd received.

"I know it sounds crazy, but it's true, and even you'd have to agree that it all just seems too convenient." Keith attempted to ease the perturbed teen, "Besides that doesn't matter, they won't get to you, we'll make sure of it."

"But, I have legs?" the lanky teen paused, his own words struck him with realisation, "That's why you were researching about mermaids turning into humans... You believe it too... You think I'm the mermaid you met before, don't you Keith."

Deep ocean blue bore into blue-violet grey. The ravenette found himself frozen under Lance's questioning gaze. Inhaling deeply he presented his answer clear, "Yes."

The blue eyed boy released the breath he'd apparently been holding.

"If Keith believes it then so do I," Lance sighed. At this Keith's insides seared from the overwhelming warmth that spread throughout his chest at the other boy's unwavering faith in him.

Pidge and Hunk shared a comprehensive glance before the smaller smirked, eyeing the black fingerless gloves both boys adorned which she knew hadn't been there before.

"Nice gloves," Pidge commented, observing with bemusement as bashful realisation washed over the two.

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