Chapter 9 - Mario-kart

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"Woah, Keith has friends?" the pale teen's mother, a tall, fit woman with hair styled similar to his own, but hers tinted purple with a red under dye, quipped as she observed her youngest son welcoming his guests into the house. Stood beside her, observing along with her, was the oldest son of the family.

"I know right?" Shiro chuckled along with his mother.

"Today, I am a proud mother."


"Keith, you are unbelievable!" Lance bellowed in over-dramatic mock horror.

"Aw, c'mon!" the ravenette was the one in disbelief, he hadn't expected the other boy to make such a big deal over something so insignificant.

"Nuh-uh, nope, no you don't. This is inexcusable! I can't believe you've had Mario-kart for years and you've never even touched it!" Lance's expression was one you'd expect from someone who'd suddenly found themselves face to face with the person that murdered their entire family. Shiro observed, thoroughly amused, as the scene unfolded. Pidge sat in the corner attempting to smoulder an oncoming, insatiable fit of laughter.

"I have more important things to do with my time," Keith defended.

"Right, like mermaid hunting," the smaller girl in the corner snorted at her own remark. This earned her a glare from the pale teen.

"I've decided, we're playing Mario-kart right now!" the lanky teen declared, retrieving a controller as he slid the game into its console.

During his time in Foster care Lance had spent a brief period with a couple that loved gaming. They were good people, he really liked them, but they had to return to their home country due to a family emergency. The couple had given the boy one of their portable consoles as a parting gift, it was one of his most treasured possessions.

The first race Lance was winning by a margin. No surprise, considering, Keith had been performing rather strange manoeuvres.

"What are you doing?" the lanky boy questioned, perplexed by the pale boys unusual actions.

"I'm just testing the controls," the ravenette responded as he continued with his unconventional gameplay.


The second race the tables seemed to have turned drastically. The boy who's performance in the previous race was chaotic at best was suddenly dominating the track. To say that Lance was shocked would be an understatement, the boy was absolutely flabbergasted. Keith and Lance were neck and neck, battling for first place and the blue eyed boy was actually struggling. Keith won.

"No way! I thought you said you've never played Mario-kart in your life!" the lanky boy squeaked, incredulous at what he'd just witnessed.

"I haven't," the pale boy confirmed.

Shiro chuckled from where he'd been observing, "Keith actually has a natural talent for these things."

"He gets it from me," the mother of said boy in question commented as she passed by the group on her way to the kitchen, apparently having picked up on their conversation, "Shiro, what did I say about the milk?"

"If you finish it you have to... Oh, right sorry," the young adult stood from his seat, grabbing his keys on the way to the front door, "I'm going to the store, you guys want anything?"

"Nah, we're good. Hunk's bringing food when he comes," it was the youngest of the group that responded.

"Alright then," with that he exited the house, closing the door behind him.

During the third race Lance had gotten a little too invested in the game, the boy had begun physically leaning into his turns. At one point he'd leaned a little too far to his right, briefly colliding with the pale boy sat beside him.

"Hey, watch it!" Keith barked, his focus paralleling Lance's.

It was truly unintentional, but as he noticed how this little incident had negatively affected his opponent in game he was struck with a mischievous idea.

"Sorry," the blue eyed boy smirked deviously as he turned back to the screen.

Mere seconds later the ravenette was met with an impact of even greater force than the first, this one almost knocking the controller right out of his hands.

"What the hell Lance?!"

"Sorry, I can't believe I did it again! My bad!" said boy flashed him an innocent smile though his focus remained on the game. Keith decided to let it slide, turning back to the screen with a grunt.

In his final lap, just as the pale boy was nearing the finish line, in first place, he was knocked over onto his side by a familiar, lanky mass that remained resting atop him. The impact had sent the controller flying, released from his steeled grip. Lance had sabotaged him and was rapidly approaching his stolen victory.

"Oh no you don't!" acting hastily the ravenette snaked his arms around the boy, still resting atop him, to reach the controller clutched in the other boys slender fingers. Tugging upwards he attempted to rip the device from the thinner boys clutch. Unexpectedly Lance's grip remained firm, thus, the boy was pulled along with the controller. An inhuman screech escaped the chocolate haired teen as he was dragged by the violent tug.

As the boys scrambled to regain their composures another racer had already taken 1st place.

"We were beaten by a PC?!" Lance was horrified.

"Incorrect." a third voice spoke out from the corner of the room. The two boys turned towards the source of the voice. Controller in hand, Pidge smiled at them devilishly.


Hunk arrived just before the sun had set, the smaller girl pulled him aside to discuss important matters.

"Did you set up the cameras?" Pidge probed in a hushed whisper.

"Yup, exactly how you mapped them out. There should be no blind spots," the honey skinned boy confirmed.

"Okay, good. Now, we wait."

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