Littlepaw - small black she-cat with blue eyes
(mentor: Silverfur)
Pebblepaw - gray she-cat with amber eyes
(mentor: Purplewhisker)

Gravelclaw - black tom with a white underbelly


Tigerstar - gray tabby tom with yellow eyes

Hazelfur - beautiful hazel-brown she-cat with amber eyes
(mother to Brokenkit and Dovekit)

Medicine Cat:
Stargaze - ginger she-cat with yellow eyes

Darkface - orange tabby tom with one side of his face dark gray
Patchspots - white tom with orange tabby spots
Graypelt - pale gray she-cat
Fightsoul - orange tabby she-cat
Darkwillow - dark gray tabby tom with green eyes
Flamestrike - orange tom with yellow eyes
Sageshade - dark brown tom
Slatestep - light brown tom
Bloodclaw - dark gray tabby tom
Tornfern - black tom
Russetclaw - dark ginger she-cat
Cloudfur - pale gray, almost white, tom
Lizardclaw - black tom
Loudtail - dark gray tom with a lot of scars
Speckleleg - brown and white she-cat with one darker brown speckled leg
Grayclaw - dark gray tom 
Nightshade - black she-cat
Calicopelt - light gray tom with light orange and white patches
Heavyfur - gray and white tom

Darkpaw - very dark gray tabby she-cat with green eyes
(mentor: Russetclaw)
Falconpaw - black tom with unusual blue eyes
(mentor: Grayclaw)
Thistlepaw - black tom with brown eyes
(mentor: Darkwillow)
Larkpaw - gray tom with brown eyes
(mentor: Calicopelt)
Antpaw - dark gray tom with green eyes
(mentor: Heavyfur)

Ashpelt - ragged gray she-cat
Blossomheart - fluffy brown she-cat with green eyes
Barkfang - brown tom with a white muzzle
Lostpelt - tom who lost all of his fur

Sootpelt - light gray she-cat
(mother to Dizzykit and Boulderkit)
Lightheart - golden-brown she-cat (previous kittypet)
(mother to Honeykit and Acornkit)

Honeykit - golden-brown she-cat with golden brown eyes
Acornkit - orange-brown tom with amber colored eyes
Brokenkit - brown tabby tom with pale green eyes
Dovekit - pale brown she-cat with hazel colored eyes
Dizzykit - white and gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Boulderkit - gray tabby tom with blue eyes


Blackstar - black tabby she-cat with yellow eyes

Timberfall - white tom with brown markings and gold-brown eyes

Medicine Cat(s):
Shadowpelt - dark gray tabby she-cat
Brokenheart - dark gray tabby she-cat with yellow eyes

Starpool - pale gray tabby she-cat
Brownheart - brown she-cat
Longleg - black tom with white paws
When the Sky meets the Grass (Sky) - white she-cat with blue eyes (former tribe cat)
Maplebranch - tortoiseshell tom
Spottedtail - white she-cat with a tortoiseshell tail
Gingertail - very young ginger, black, and white she-cat
Swiftrunner - lean white and black tom
Orangepelt - orange tom with blue eyes
Fadinghawk - white and brown tom
Silentmist - black and white she-cat
Cedarpuddle - gray tabby she-cat
Brackenfall - brown tom
Darkriver - black tom with ginger patches
Gorsecloud - white tom
Sunnyfur - yellow tom

Birchpaw - chestnut brown tom with darker brown legs
(mentor: Darkriver)
Twopaw - gray tabby tom 
(mentor: Sky)
Redpaw - red tabby tom with yellow eyes
(mentor: Brownheart)
Frostpaw - white she-cat with blue eyes, one eye is scared from a badger
(mentor: Cedarpuddle)

Grassclaw - brown tom
Bramblevision - dark brown tabby she-cat

Dawnfur - brown she-cat
(mother to Hushkit and Hopkit)
Leaffall - brown tabby she-cat with a white underbelly and muzzle
(mother to Talonkit and Finchkit)

Talonkit - pale gray, pale orange, and white tom with green eyes
Finchkit - brown tom with brown eyes
Hushkit - pale brown she-cat with bright blue eyes
Hopkit - brown and white she-cat


Squirrelstar - orange tabby she-cat
(mother to Seedkit, Volekit, Pigeonkit, and Cardinalkit) 

Rabbitleap - brown tom with green eyes

Medicine Cat:
Whiskerflight - orange tabby tom with white paws

Nightsky - dark gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Owlfur - brown tom with a white face
Larkflight - light brown tom
Shadowstripe - white and gray she-cat 
Sparrowfur - dark brown tabby tom
Shadowgaze - brown and white tabby tom
Timberbreeze - gray and white she-cat
Mouseclaw - small dusky brown tom
Cedarclaw - white she-cat with a brown spot on her back
Mintsun - pale gray she-cat with dark gray paws
Branchcreek - fluffy brown tabby tom with green eyes
Ferrettooth - small brown tom
Flowerpetal - cream she-cat with a light brown face, paws, and tail tip
Whitemuzzle - black tom with a white muzzle

Fernstripe - pale gray she-cat
(mother to Cherrykit, Daisykit, and Goldenkit)

Seedkit - tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Volekit - brown tabby tom with green eyes
Pigeonkit - light brown tom with blue eyes
Cardinalkit - orange tabby she-cat with green eyes
Cherrykit - gray and white she-cat
Daisykit - pale gray she-cat
Goldenkit - gold-brown she-cat


Rouges and Loners:
Jaggedclaw - black and white she-cat
August - orange tabby tom with green eyes
Amberstar - fluffy brown tabby she-cat with amber brown eyes
Bluefeather - pale blue-gray she-cat with pale blue eyes

Nev- gray and white tom.

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