She turns her head to glare at him and he glares right back her. They're both surprised to hear Malfoy chuckling, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and his lips stretching into the most delici- devilish smile.

" It's good to see that no one gets along with you, Granger" he smirks at her.

Hermione is even more surprised than him when she discovers the huge smile on her face.

Theo looks away awkwardly, his hands finding their way into the pockets of his pants.

Malfoy continues to look at her, the silver in his eyes shining extra bright. She finds her own eyes melting into the molten silver of his'. He swallows and his throat bobs up and down. Hermione's eyes travel from his eyes to his lips, and the spell is broken as a hen, out of nowhere, runs past them.

Theo yells out in triumph and takes off after the hen. Hermione and Malfoy look at each other, a knowing glint in both their eyes. Their lips stretch into matching grins as they, too, run after the hen.

After a series of hopping over fallen logs, and strings of curses, Theo finally catches the chicken. " You ugly beast, you fucking made me run miles after you?"

" Hey! Don't squeeze her, Theo. You'll hurt her," Hermione scolds.

Malfoy cranes his neck to look at her, an unreadable expression on his face.

" How do you know it's a she?" Theo asks and loosens his hold on the hen.

" Common sense, and also because she's carrying an egg."

" An egg? Really, Granger?"

"Yes, see- right there"

Hermione points towards the white shell peeking through red feathers.

Theo makes to grab it, but is instead pricked in the hand by the mother.

" Fuck," he swears and squeezes the hen's neck.

" Theo!" Hermione yells and carefully takes the hen away from him.

Placing her on the ground, she gently pets the hen on the head. Malfoy watches her with curious eyes and Theo constantly rolls his'.

The hen gently lowers the egg and places it on the ground, along with a few red feathers and Hermione's eyes widen.

This wasn't just any hen.

"She's a magical hen!" She exclaims.

" 10 points to Gryffindor", Malfoy drawls. "It lives in the Magical world, Granger, of course it's magical."

"She, Malfoy... she" she corrects him.

" May I keep this?" Hermione lifts up the egg with the feathers and asks the mother.

The hen nods it's approval and walks away, pricking Theo's leg on the way.

"What the actual fuck, Granger? Why did she walk away like a damn boss? Why did we let her go?" He pulls at his hair.

Hermione lifts up the egg, "Because she gave us the answer to our clue."

" An egg?" Malfoy asks.

" Yes!" Hermione grins.

"I have to be broken down before I'm of use- that's right! It's an egg!" Theo yells, his face lighting up.

" Ready?" Hermione asks.

" Yes!" Theo yells as he grabs his bag, and when he reaches out to grab Hermione's bag from the ground, Malfoy grabs it first and tosses it over his shoulder. Theo smirks privately and stands up straight. " Let's go!"

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