• G O D S A N D M O N S T E R S •

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I'm sure the shock I felt was visibly obvious on my face. "What?" Was all I managed to say as my already aching brain tried to comprehend his words.

"$5000 Cora, and all you have to do is come with me. One day. You spend one day with me, and if you choose to walk away at the end of that 24 hours, then I will give you the money and let you walk. You'll never see me again if you don't want to. But maybe if something-" he reached his hand out and tucked one of the loose tendrils from my ponytail behind my ear, "...changes your mind. We can discuss it."

It was almost as if I could feel the blood pumping through my veins. Honestly, his words had captured my interest long ago. This man, this Ashton had my full attention and I didn't know why. And more than anything I hated the fact that he was right. I wasn't happy.  Did it show that much? Did I wear my misery that visibly?

"You sound crazy." I shook my head. "I can't just drop everything for some supposed cash from a stranger."

"$10,000 then."

I scoffed. "Now I know you're fucking joking. That's money to burn right there, no one has that kind of money."

"This is a no questions asked deal, Cora. I can't tell you anything until you're all in."

"I'm not some bitch to be bought." I bit my lip, trying to ignore the fact that I really was considering the proposition. $10,000. And for what? To spend one day with this man. It didn't sound like an impossible task.

"Oh love, it's nothing like that." He titled his head, taking a step closer and placing both of hands on my shoulders. Strong hands. I could feel the power in them just from they're placement. I didn't know if that should worry me or not. "You're worth far more than any amount of ink printed on paper. Simply consider it as a persuasion technique. After all, all I'm asking for is a day."

"And why are you so eager to spend it with me then? Why pay someone you just met $10,000? It's crazy."

"You ask too many questions, love. Have you ever considered that maybe that's what you need, Cora. A little crazy in your life?"

Now I've had bad ideas before, I've done things I regret to this very day; you'd think my past experience with chaos and failure would make me more wary of golden promises from beautiful strangers. But when it came down to it, money was money. Atleast that was my cover. What I'm refusing to admit myself was that I wanted to go with him. Such a mysterious man must live a mysterious life, and I craved that. Everything that made up my very being absolutely craved a change, a shift, anything.

"Yes." I whispered after a moment of battling with myself. I met his amber eyes with sincerity. "We have a deal, Ashton." I reached my hand out. "24 hours for $10,000."

He smiled, taking his hand away from my shoulders so that he could reach one out to shake mine. And with that, it was done.

"I like you, Cora." He smiled down at me, that same knowing smile that made me feel like there hundreds of secrets all being kept from me. "You've got fire in your soul." He said before walking towards the door, and without turning around he continued, "And damn you sure do know how to kiss a man."


"You said we didn't do anything!"

Thoroughly embarrassed, I had followed Ashton out the door of the room to discover that were in some kind of hotel. Black lights lined the ceiling as blue and yellow neon lights lined the walls, creating quite the surreal atmosphere.

"I said we didn't sleep together love, but I didn't say what happened before we got to the hotel." He continued down the hallway, me following him still dressed in the oversized silk pajamas.

"So what happened before we got to the hotel?" I tried to match his fast strides, winding through the labyrinth like hallways of the hotel that glowed hauntingly.

He chuckled, stopping and turning to me. "You really do ask far too many questions, Cora. I'll answer them all in due time, but right now I just need you to trust me."

I opened my mouth to protest, but quickly thought better of it. I didn't trust him, not one bit. How could I? But the promise of all had seduced me entirely. I could look out for myself. "I'm only doing this for the money." I said hotly.

"It always starts that way, doesn't it?" His eyes glowed mischievously in the light before he continued down the hallway, me yet again trailing him. "Come now Cora, I'm on a time limit, remember?"

So together we finally made our way through the neon maze of hallways and doors to the lobby of the hotel, and immediately I was shocked to see that it was dark outside.

"How long was I ...."

"Quite some time." Ashton cut me off before I could finish. "But this is perfect. I do my best work at night."

"Work?" I questioned.

"All in due time, Cora. All in due time." We walked straight through the lobby to the double doors leading us to the outside. The frosty air almost immediately stung my skin as the neon light from all the buildings lit up the streets, creating a technicolor scape of beauty and mystery where light met dark. This is why I loved the night. It's moments like these when I'm reminded of the true power of darkness.

It was also in this money I was reminded of the silk pajama I was wearing and the apparent fact that I was barefoot. "Fuck." I wrapped my arms tightly around myself. "I forgot I was dressed like the goddamn tooth fairy."

Ashton gave me a sly smile. "Don't worry, love. I'm sure we'll find you something more fitting for our little outing soon enough."

And before I had a chance to respond a black car suddenly pulled up to the curb, as if materializing from the shadows themselves. The lights gleamed in its reflective exterior.

The window rolled down. "What's with sleeping beauty?" I heard a man's voice come from the car, but I could barely see who spoke.

Ashton just chuckled before opening the passengers side door and getting in. Struck with the sudden reality of the situation, I didn't immediately get  in the car. I stood out in the chilled night air for a bit longer just watching the lights in the smooth metallic surface of the car.

"Don't tell me you're having regrets now then, love?" I heard Ashton speak from the passenger window, but I didn't look at him. I took a few more moments to breathe in the cold. I wanted to feel it in the blood. It calmed me.

It felt strange opening that car door to get inside. And as I stepped into the car, I turned to take a look at the hotel, and for the first time I saw the large blue and yellow glowing sign on the front.





Yay for part 3! I hope y'all are enjoying the story as much as I'm enjoying writing it! Please feel free to let me know what's you think as I love reading comments and will definitely try to reply! Thank you for those continuing to stick with my story and being a large part of the reason as to why I write

BABYLON   //a.f.i//Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant