''Only that we're both uncomfortable with talking 'bout it.'' I admitted.

''Zayn,'' Mum sighed. ''Don't be scared. You will lose her if you don't grow a pair. A woman won't wait forever, you know.''

''I know. I'll do something. I kinda miss her already.'' I said and mum just smiled as she poured more water in my glass.

''You should bring her here next break. I'd love to see her.''

''How about you come to a concert in the states? Just take two or three days off and I can fix tickets and hotel and all.'' I said, really hoping she would come. She had only seen two of the shows this far on the tour, the one that was closest to home and one in London.

''I'll try to find some days when we're all off work and school.'' She promised, but didn't sound certain. I crossed my fingers.

My phone buzzed from the other side of the table and I stretched to reach it.

''Zayn, no phones while we're eating.'' Mum told me. I gestured around me, raising my brows.

''I'm the only one s'eating!'' I complained and reached for my phone anyways, because I was such a rebel. My sisters weren't home from school yet, so I wasn't bad influence or anything.

''It's Issy.'' I told her as I unlocked my phone, as if that would make it okay. It probably did because she didn't say anything else.

From Issy: I'm having a panic attack. I don't know what to do. Please tell me you have time, I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.

I dropped the fork I held in my hand and dried my fingers at a napkin and typed as fast I could. Something was very wrong, or she wouldn't write like that. If it wasn't huge, she would ask if I had time before she started making me worried. Like she wasn't my number one priority already.

To Issy: What's happening? Can you call me? Are you okay??

My mum had noticed how I zoned out and stopped eating, and she probably saw my expression as well. Maybe she heard how I was tapping my fingers on the table because I had to know she was alright and she wouldn't type fast enough and she was so very far away and I wouldn't be able to help her and I was the worst person on earth.

''Zayn...'' Mum started.

''Not now!'' I snapped, but changed it quickly again. ''Sorry, something's wrong. I didn't mean that.''

She nodded and turned away to the dishes.

From Issy: Maybe. I'll try.

Was the 'maybe' an answer for if she could call me or an answer for if she was okay or not? Issy wouldn't make me worried about something small. She wouldn't even text me if it wasn't really big, because she would say that she was bothering me. This was huge, and I couldn't come up with anything that could be the reason. Had someone died? I really hoped not. It wouldn't be this urgent if that was the case. She wouldn't make me this stressed then.

I didn't know if I should answer her again or if I should wait to see if she would call me. I waited for three whole minutes before I started typing.

Zayn: I'm calling you in two minutes if you don...

Issy calling

I picked up before I could hear the first ring.

''Are you okay?'' I asked way louder than necessary. I had to know she was alright. Whatever the problem was, I wasn't there to help her. It could be anything.

At first, all I could hear in return was complete, utter silence. Then a sniffle. Then a tiny and weak;


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