Chapter 4

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Hi! Just so you know, I changed a few things in chapter two. It's now three months between her phone call with Robert and the tour. Isabelle would have to learn everything in one week otherwise! Hehe, ooups.

Right! This chapter is divided in two parts. So this chapter will be a bit shorter, and chapter five will be pretty long. 

So, here's chapter four! I hope it's good. I had to change it three times...


I sat behind the keyboard in the studio, facing all eight guys. It was going to be hard to be the only girl, but I could handle it. I had received sheets and chords of all the songs of the tour, and sat now and read the papers. I heard the songs in my head by looking at the notes, and suddenly I looked up, realising almost all of them had been staring at me while I had been looking down at the papers. I did my very best not to blush, and then I showed them the song I just had been looking at.

"Hey, I know this song! I think I have heard it before!" I said and waved the paper in the air.

"How can you know that? You haven't even played it." Niall said. I was very weak for accents, and Niall's accent... Well, let's just say that his accent is nice. Very nice.

"But I read the notes, and I hear it in my head." I said. It was oblivious to me, but they stared at me like I was some sort of alien. Apparently, they had never met someone able to read notes before. I continued to read the rest of the songs and they continued to talk with each other as they waited for me to finish.

When I was done, we went through a few songs without any bigger mistakes. Most of the mistakes were my fault. I don't think they actually noticed I did wrong, but whenever i failed I started to curse for myself, which all the lads found hilarious.

In the middle of the song "Live While We're Young" I did a huge mistake and ruined the whole song.

"Uuuuggh!" I groaned and laid my head on the piano, so it made a horrible noise. They all laughed at me.

"Sorry guys, I go mad when I can't play a song. I will make it next time, promise!" I said at sat up straight again.

"That's okay, Belle." Josh said. "It took Dan a whole day just to learn one song! I'm amazed you have made it this long." I sighed. I hated not being able to play a song without any pauses. I wanted do know it at the first try.

The guys didn't use my full name again, and they all went from calling me Issy to calling me Belle. I liked people with two names, and I liked having two names myself. People could choose what they wanted to call me. And if you have two names, it must be harder to forget both of them. I hated telling people my name(s) twice, and I hated when people called me something completely else.

We managed to play both "Live While We're Young" and "Kiss You" without any mistakes or pauses, and I had to admit that these guys knew how to sing. They were incredible!

"Guys, you're great! I can't understand why I've avoided your songs all this time!" I said when Liam told us all to take a break.

"Why would you avoid our songs?" Harry asked.

"Because the word boy band makes me think of guys in matching outfits that dance around and sing and... ughh." I said and shivered. "And I guess I had preconceived opinions about you guys and refused to listen to any of your songs when my friends tried to make me." I told them and shrugged. I didn't believe they could be this good!

"But we've got matching onesies! That's pretty badass." Louis said proudly.

"What? Onesies? You mean one pieces? Those pyamas-wannabe things?" I asked them, trying not to laugh.

"Have you got any idea of how great onesies are to fly in? We'll have to get you one before our tour." He said.

Our tour. It sounded quite nice when you thought about it. Doing concerts every other night, seeing the world, get to know famous superstars. I could probably get used to that.


One month later

Robert was right when he told me he needed to find a pianist fast. The tour would begin in Februrary, and it was now in the end of December. It was one month since I first met the lads, and we had been practising songs (well, I had been practising. They already knew what to do, so they helped me) every other day. I knew almost all the songs now and I started to get to know the guys more and more. They had told me about how their career started at the X-Factor and about their last tour etc.

To be exact, it was the twenty-fourth of December. My parents were in Manchester over Christmas, but they let me stay home since we had so many rehearsals.

"Hey, Issy. You wanna come with us tonight? We're going to this club..." Liam asked me after a rehearsal that morning.

"You're going to go clubbing at Christmas?" I asked him and raised my eyebrows in disbelief.

"Yeah. Josh, Dan and Sandy couldn't join us, and well neither of us will see our families until next week, and it's Louis birthday." He told me.

"What? Today?" I asked him before I shouted to Louis across the room over his shoulder. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOU!"

He laughed and thanked me.

"Sure, I'll join you." I told Liam and he gave me the address to the club.

I drove to the club. It wasn't far, but I was too late to walk there and I wasn't planning on drinking anything. I parked my red car (aka the love of my life) a few blocks away and walked the last bit. My black dress was maybe a little bit too short to count as elegant or classy, but screw that. I did pull it down a bit further down on my thighs though, when I started to hear guys on the way whistling. I tried walking faster, not because they frightened me. They wouldn't do anything in an open street, but I didn't want to hear what they were shouting behind me. It was hard to walk fast in those heels though.

I turned around a corner just a little bit from the club. I was getting really excited! I had gotten to know these guys now and I really liked them. I was looking down at my phone when I turned around the corner. I used to take up my phone every time I felt the slightest bit awkward or uncomfortable or when I knew someone was looking at me. I should've known better than looking down when I turned around corners. I bumped into a guy standing just in front of me, and I didn't need to lift my head and look at his face to know that he was creepy. His biceps weren't really the "omg, look at this guy's hot biceps" kind of biceps. It was more like "This guy will beat me to death, run." kind of biceps.  I looked up anyway, and kept walking to get away from him.

"Sorry." I mumbled, trying to get away from the awkward situation as quick as possible, but I couldn't. He had grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I was not ready for that, so I panicked.

"Let me go!" I shouted and tried pulling my arm back. He just smiled at me and the smell of alcohol came like a wave. He seemed like he thought about what I said.

"Naah, I don't think so sweetheart." He said to me and starting to pull me closer to him and away from the street. The club was only a few metres away, and there were so many people talking so no one could hear me shouting after help. 


A/N: Well... I'm not good at cliffhagers, as you see. But still! I mean, I tried! 

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