Chapter 5

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Hi! A bit of a longer chapter! I think I might go in and change a few things later, but I decided to publish it now anyways! Here we go, chapter 5!


What am I doing? I thought. I knew how to defend myself! But I was too shocked and scared to think of anything. I didn't have to do it, because I heard the familiar voice behind me before I got to do anything.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Harry screamed and ran up to me. I didn't really need his help to get this guy off of me, but I appreciated it and he actually did freak me out. And his friends didn't look that friendly either, so maybe I was lucky to have Harry coming to my rescue. He slapped the man's hand away from my wrist and dragged me away from him, catching me in his arms. One of Harry's security guards, Paul I think, came up to us and checked so that I was okay before he walked away to the man. I didn't look back at what he did to him, instead I leaned into Harry and snaked my arm around him. He had his arm around my shoulder, moving his hand up and down on my shoulder, comforting me. We stopped walking just outside the club, because I wasn't ready to face all the people now. I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down when I realised I hyperventilated and breathing really fast. I didn't even realise how scared I was until now. It was like I had held my breath all the time, and maybe I did. 

"You okay?" Harry asked me and leaned down a bit so he was at my height. I nodded slightly.

"What were you doing out there?" I asked him.

"Liam said he told you to be here at nine. It's nine thirty, so I went out to see if you were on your way."

I looked at my phone to see that he was right. I had only been trying to fight that man for less than five minutes, but I was pretty late too. If I weren't late, Harry wouldn't go out to search for me. What would that man do to me then? A hundred horrible thoughts came up in my head, but I shook them off. I couldn't think like that. 

"Right..." I said. We started to go inside, and Harry's arm went around my waist, holding me close. I leaned against him as we walked to a booth in one side of the club, were I saw the other guys.

They looked at us with worried expressions as we sat down with them. I guess I still had that scared look on my face.

"Where were you? What took you so long?" Louis asked. 

"I went out to see if Issy were on her way, and I saw some ass trying to drag her away while she screamed at him and no one heard. Paul was standing outside the club, so I dragged him with me and helped her." Harry explained, and I did my very best not to get eye contact with any of them. I didn't want to see their pity.

"Are you okay, Issy?" Zayn asked me, and I looked up at him. He didn't look at me with pity really. He looked like he cared about me, sure, but like he thought I could handle it. I liked when people looked at me like I was strong enough to handle things, people who believed in me. I smiled and gave him a small nod.

We sat and talked for a while, the boys offering me drinks (which I said no to since I was driving), and getting to know each other. Well, I got to know them, they got to know me.

"Okay, Belle. Ten questions, go." Louis, who sat next to me said.

"I thought the game named twenty questions?" I said.

"No, now it's ten. Niall, start." He said.

"Favourite song that isn't One Direction?" Niall said.

I thought about it, but I could come up with my favourite song.

"Ugh, you guys have brainwashed me. I can only think of your songs now!" I said. Zayn, who sat across me, and Louis did a high-five.

"Umm... 'Cancer' by 'My Chemical Romance'" I said. It wasn't my all-time favourite, but it was the best song I could come up with now. Harry asked the next question.

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