Chapter 26

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"So... Ten minutes? Amazing, I'll see you. I love you too, babe." Louis said and hanged up his phone with the largest grin ever on his face.

"Eleanor is coming in ten minutes!" He exclaimed loudly and his smile wouldn't leave his face.

Liam threw a shoe in his direction. It was a bit violent being Liam, but Louis just laughed and threw it back.

"She will come when she has the time, you know she has a lot of work." Louis told him, speaking about Liam's girlfriend. Liam was the most homesick in the band. He didn't call his family as much as Zayn or Harry did, but he would get really upset at times when he hadn't heard from them in a while. It was even worse with Danielle. She had been really busy the last weeks and their calls didn't last for long. It didn't help Liam's mood that Eleanor was coming to visit Louis in Munich while Danielle was still at home.

We had now been to France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland, along with a couple other places. We were going to stay at a smaller hotel in Munich before we were heading to Scandinavia. Once we had been in those countries we would get a real break for a few weeks. I was getting tired of traveling, and I was excited to get a break even though I loved my job and the crew and the boys.

Eleanor came thirteen minutes later, which caused a lot of stress from Louis because she was three minutes late. Once she came, he screamed more high pitched than I had ever heard Zayn scream and he ran to the door to swing her around in the air and kiss her with such passion that we all looked away at the same time and decided to let them have their reunion moment for theirselves. I couldn't help but think of how beautiful it was, how the room seemed to lighten up by their happiness and love. If you ignored the PDA and how their makeout-session started to get a little too personal.

I glanced over again, but they were tight embraced and whispering and smiling to each other with sparkly eyes and big smiles. I figured I had to wait even longer to introduce myself to Eleanor and when I looked away from them again I met another pair of eyes from the other side of the room. The brown eyes wasn't even watching the couple at the door. He flashed a quick smile to me before he looked away, he seemed to be a bit embarrassed to be caught staring. At least I thought that was what Zayn did. It looked like it, but I didn't know why he would.

It was hard to stop the thought of being like Eleanor and Louis. About how I wanted to be with someone, love someone, like they did. Was it wrong to think about that? It's not bad to wish you were loved, I guessed.

"You must be Isabelle?" A girl's voice said just behind me. My brain came back to reality just in time to see Zayn's smirk again. I guessed he caught me staring this time. Even when I didn't know it I had been watching him. Smooth, Issy. Real smooth. I didn't even got the time to open my mouth before someone stole my words.

"It's Issy." Zayn said. I glanced on him and couldn't help but smile. "Or Belle." He added. I turned to Eleanor again with a slight blush on my cheeks. She didn't say anything about it, but you could tell she was confused why Zayn was answering in my place.

"Yeah. And you're Eleanor. Louis haven't talked about anything but you the last couple of days." I told her. She giggled and put a stray of her hair behind her ear, blushing a little.

Louis shrugged and smiled, taking her hand like it was a part of him he was missing. It was obvious that he didn't care about what I said. He knew it was true and he was proud of it. I barely recognised him, really. I hadn't seen this gentle, cute and shy side of him until then. He was adorable.

I was happy for every female who visited on tour. I liked hanging out with Lou and the other women in the crew, but they weren't many and almost all of them were much older than me. Gemma had visited once while we were still in the UK and she was planning on coming many times. I had a strong feeling saying that Louis wouldn't let Eleanor get out of his arms for a long time. I guessed I could become friends with her later.

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