Chapter 3

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Okay, here we go! Chapter three! It's time to meet some people you all will recognise! Wooho!


I sat in my car on my way to the studio Robert gave me the address to. I was a real traffic hazard, my hands were shaking like mad and I had a hard time to control my breath. I had no idea what I was supposed to do when I arrived. I didn't know who I was going to meet, what they expected by me or even who I would be supposed to play behind on tour. Who was the singer whose tour I would go along with? I had no idea, but I freaked out. Why wouldn't Robert just tell me? Was he scared that I wouldn't take the offer if I knew? How bad could it be?

When I reached the right street, I saw a lot of tall buildings, all of them very modern and cool. I searched for somewhere to park my car. It was probably the worst parking in the world's history, but who cares? I walked in through the doors and was met by a woman behind the desk. I had no idea what to say. I could always try with my name, I thought.

"Hi, I'm Isabelle Bower..." I said, hoping she would somehow recognise my name. She didn't.

"I'm a keyboardist in a band, and I was told to..."

She sighed and pointed to her right, to a long corridor.

"Down the hallway, to the left and then the second room to your right. You'll hear them." She said.

I had no idea what she was talking about, but I didn't care. I was too excited to see which singer and band members I would be working with. I smiled at the woman, not that she noticed since her focus already was back on her computer screen.

Down the hallway... To the right... Or was it left? This building was huge, and I didn't know which way to go. Why didn't I listen more carefully? Then I heard some laughter and guys shouting. I furrowed my eyebrows, but followed the sounds. To my left, and then the second door to my right. There was a big window in the door, and I peeked in. There was one guy, I couldn't tell his age, sitting with a bass guitar in his lap, laughing. Two other guys, were wrestling on the floor a bit in front of him, shouting something that sounded like "Don't you dare take my drum sticks again!" I noticed there was a keyboard in the corner of the studio, too.

Suddenly, the bass guy looked up, and saw me. He looked surprised at first, then he said something to the wrestling guys on the floor, who immediately stopped fighting and stared at me. They were close to my age, both of them. Maybe a couple of years older. One of them went up to the door and opened it.

"Hi, can I help you?" He asked me.

"Actually," I started. "A man named Robert Johnson told me to be here, and the woman at the counter told me to go to this room. I think I might be your new keyboardist."

They looked familiar with Robert's name, but when I told them why I was here, they all seemed pretty shocked.

"Not to sound rude, but you?" The guy at the chair said.

"Excuse me?"

"No, I was just not expecting that." He said and looked a bit confused.

The guy who had been opened the door before, the one who now had received his drums sticks, smiled at me. The third one, still at the ground suddenly sat up.

"Wait, you might be our new keyboardist?" He said.

"Yeah, well I didn't receive that much information. But I don't think there's another band here who needs someone who can play the piano." I said, maybe a little bit to sassy.

They all smiled at me, and the guy at the door did some kind of small nod, it felt like he accepted me, and I was glad.

"Welcome to the band! I'm Josh." He said. He reached out his hand to me and I shook it.

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