I spent an hour of my life writing this why

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Trinity's POV

He admitted it!
He actually admitted it!
I've known how he's felt since I was 4!
But now I'm not the one saying it! How adorable!

"Wow, you mean you're not always lonely and depressing!? Shocker." Charlie said

"Well, I only recently realized how I felt and tried to hide it, hoping it wouldn't ruin our relationship." Said Espio whilst finishing his piece of toast.

"My brother is the greatest guy on the planet! Of course he has feelings!"

"Uh, Trinity? Did I ever tell you that... I'm not really your brother?"

"You're soooo funny, Espio." I said giggling. Part of me knew I hoped laughing at it would make it false, but in the pit of my stomach was the worry that it may be true.

"I was adopted. They thought they weren't going to be able to have kids, so they got me and, surprisingly, they had Genesis two years later. And two years after Genesis came the third in the trilogy of the family."

"Wow. How did you lose your real family, Espio?" Asked Charlie.

"I don't really like to talk about it, but since you are my sister and friend, I will tell you the truth."

"... Are you sure you're ready to hear this?"

"Just tell us!" We said simultaneously.


"When I was little, I mean, REALLY little, like 4, my family was... My family was..." his eyes filled with tears "My family was... Killed." We looked at each other in disbelief, our eyes wide open.

"My big brother told me to hide in my closet. It was so scary. After about 6 minutes, I left the closet and looked in the living room, and..."

His eyes welled up with tears. I said, "we need some tissues, Charlie!" "Got it!" He ran back with them, and it took Espio a while to get it all out.

"Alright, bro?" I said

"Yeah I'm fine now. I saw my family laying on the ground in pools of blood. I tried to keep myself from screaming. Then I heard a voice. He said "Hey, didn't they have another kid?" I grabbed a knife and confronted the people who killed my family. Then... Something inside of me snapped. A sense of rage. A burning desire for revenge. I lunged at one and stabbed him repeatedly until he stopped moving. The other made a run for it right when the police came. I dropped the now blood-covered knife and scooted away from my victim, panting. The police arrested the surviver and escorted me out. They put me in an asylum before putting me in the orphanage. Multiple people gave up on me because they were scared of what I'd do to them. One even quit without meeting me. I'd told them that I ironically enjoyed killing him, and without intervention, probably would have done it a second time. I felt terrible for what I did, and spent most of my time there in isolation, slowly driving myself to the verge of insanity. They moved me to the orphanage when it got too severe. I struggled and said that I was not going, so they practically had to drag me there. At the orphanage, I only made one friend who I did everything with. She was actually the only reason I didn't end it all while I was there. Everyone else was scared of me, and told her to stay away from me. But she never gave up on me. I felt like I wasn't alone around her. She understood me because her Mother died of cancer, and her Father enlisted in the military to try and support her. I got adopted before her and sometimes lay awake at night wondering if she's doing well."

Charlie and I just sat there with our mouths hanging open. Charlie said "Bro... That's deep. Now I see why you're so serious all the time."

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