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Silver's POV

When I came into Sonic's house the next morning, I found Sonic and Knuckles asleep on each other.

Adorable, I thought to myself. "Wake up lovebirds." I said tapping them awake.

"Oh, hi Silver, didn't expect you to be here first." He yawned.

"I don't think we're on angel island anymore..." Said Knuckles, still dreaming.

Espio's POV

I dreamt about Silver that night. I woke up before it was juicy, but that didn't stop Trinity from listening to the bits I muttered aloud.

"I knew it! You like Silver!" She shouted while dancing around. "This'll prove my argument for sure!" She rushed to the kitchen to share her latest find, but I tried to stop her.

"You're not telling anyone!" I whisper-shouted at her, blocking her way.

"What happened better stay between you and me, okay?! No gossiping about it with your friends, please!" I begged.

"Hmm... Alright then, I'll keep my mouth shut, but I get to tell my friend Charlie and we'll get to plan a special way to show Silver you love him on Christmas!" She said.

"Fine." I said shaking her hand. We went downstairs to see Genesis, Mom, and Trinity's friend Charlie sitting at the table. I took a piece of toast and Trinity asked Mom if she could go upstairs with Charlie.

She said it was alright, and they ran upstairs with me close behind. We went to her room and closed the door.

"So why did you bring me upstairs? Is there something I need to know?" Asked Charlie in his charming accent. "There sure is! Espio?" They looked at me and I said, blushing "I... I think I like Silver."

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