08 - an internet connection

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it's what we have
little secrets and funny stories
traded over the clacks of keyboards
and the pings! of the chats.

the late night texts
rants and drama that are so important now
discussed over the brain numbing
messaging platforms. 

it's never really real though
at school you pretend i'm not there
or maybe it's me
doing all the pretending for both of us?

and i see you in the hallways
and you're laughing with your friends
the ones who will never accept me
or maybe it's me who won't accept you?

i tell you these secrets
and you tell me yours
but we can't even look each other
in the eyes.

what's the point of doing this?
for the rush?
the feelings?

the idea that somewhere,
even if the world is against me,
you're there?

that must be it. 

but truly, it's only
a strong wifi connection
a laptop and its charger
plus a little bit of insomnia
that keeps us together any more. 

bits of lifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ