07 - a secret

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everything is kind of confusing
all at once
more or less
your entire life changes
by a few small words
that weren't meant to be heard
by anyone else. 

it wasn't supposed to be harmful
there weren't supposed to be consequences
and surely you know
i'd never do these things
on purpose to anyone
or not really at least.

it just slipped out
you know how it is
one person too many knows
or maybe one person decides that more people
deserve to know
and then it's everywhere.

so i'm sorry for that
but i hope you feel exposed and alone
the way i did
when you did the exact same thing
to me.

you were my second family
and you were the ones i'd go to
when i was in my darkest days
spending my hardest hours
and you brought me through
but then the secret happened.

when you broke my trust
our friendship
my heart
and my head
all in twenty minutes of a day
you know what i thought?

i asked myself:
do i even have anyone anymore?

so i hope you understand what it feels like
to be lied to
to be backstabbed
to be hurt by everyone you love
i'm sorry
but it's only fair.

bits of lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora