03 - words

446 56 17

what are the right words?
there are so many out there
and yet none of them
fit the feeling that i get.

et fac me sentire perfectum.

you make me feel perfect.
true, is it not?
when I'm around you
i feel like i'm on cloud nine
bubbling above the world.

omne bonum tibi est scriptor

everything's better with you
that's also just as true.
you take away the smoke
the anger
the fear in my life.
and with you, it's all okay.

et perficiendam vitam meam

you complete my life.

subtle, isn't it?
it's just short and simple,
but it doesn't say everything
that i need to say.

te requiro

i need you.
that's what i mean 
i need you in my life
because you mean more
to me
than you know. 

bits of lifeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat