Ashton reluctantly handed me the key card and I briskly left the room, not daring to look back. I fumbled with it as I unlocked the suite door and sprinted down the hallway. Ignoring the elevator, I headed straight down the stairs. My footsteps echoed as I treaded down the steps before reaching the ground floor.

I pushed open the door, a raw gust of wind greeting me as I did so. Frantically, I eyed the almost empty car park. It was eerily quiet, though the jumbled up thoughts in my head took over my hearing. In the corner of my eye, I spotted the black BMW. Just as I was about to head towards it, the sound of a voice pierced the the quiet atmosphere.

It was only one voice, a low quiet sound coming from the other corner of the building. Slowly, I krept around the corner, a tuft of blue hair coming into sight. The person was curled up in a ball, hugging her knees, sat down on the stony gravel. Soft whimpers came from here mouth, though I couldn't see as her face was buried under the mop of blue hair.

"Ani?" I said softly, kneeling down beside her. "Ani, it's me, Sophie."

I heard her sniffle, not bothering to look up at me.

I know for a fact that I am not the best at comforting, heck, I'm not good at any sort of situation. But sometimes, people don't need wise words of endearment. They just need a hug. And as I did so, I could feel her frail, rigid body melt down as I closed my hands around the material of her sweater.

"I barely know you," she hiccuped. "You don't need to do this."

"You're upset." I shrugged, "You're entitled to some comforting." I rubbed her back lightly, "Or at least my attempts."

She sat back up, rubbing her eyes. They were fresh and swollen, the redness surrounding her lashes stained with grey traces of mascara. Her usual berry coloured lips were pale and colourless and the tip of her nose was a bright crimson.

"So." I exhaled, crossing my legs as I planted myself on the ground. "How long have you been out here?"

"Since, uh," she ran a trembling hand through her hair gingerly, "Since our little talk in the elevator."

"Oh my goodness," I felt my face drop, "Did I upset y- Oh, Ani I didn't, I really didn't mean too..."

She raised her hand, shaking her head, a sad smile growing on her face. "No, no, it's just that," she dropped her head down as she explained, "When I lashed out at you, it was all in the spur of the moment, I swear I don't mean any of it."

I was about to reply when I realized. This is the same girl that tried to get rid of Bree. This is the same exact girl that did anything and everything in her power to get her fired for no fault of her own, purely to get her away. Who knows what she can do, and what she's capable of doing. The thought itself was enough to make me uneasy.

"Ash broke up with me last night."


A growl of thunder rumbled throughout the sky, emphasizing the silence between me and Ani.

"Tell me, Sophie." Ani spoke again, turning her whole body to face me. "Why don't I deserve Ashton?" she looked back down and licked her lips. "What makes me any less worthy of him then anyone else?" she pondered, more to herself then to me.

I waited a while before I answered, carefully constructing my words before replying.

"Nothing." I gave her a small smile. "Things don't go to plan sometimes, but-"

"But what?" Ani snapped, her shoulders rising and falling in frustration. "What did I do wrong? I've been supportive, I-I flew in from Australia just to see him for goodness sake." she let out an exasperated sigh. "I don't even know anymore."

She leaned back onto the wall, bringing her hands up to her face muffling her already quiet voice. As she did so, her sweater raised up to reveal a small, rose tattoo located just above her hip.

"Ani," I took in a breath, fiddling with my hands. "I know what you did to Bree. And I'm in no position to judge you for it but, just know that-"

"Wait, wait," Ani waved her arms about, cutting me off. "What are you talking about? She doesn't even speak to me." her eyebrows knitted together as she brushed the hair out of her eyes. "Sophie, listen to me. Bree, she's-"

"She's what?" a new voice came into the mix, along with the sound of footsteps coming me and Ani's way.

It was Bree, dressed in the same clothing as the last time I had saw her, her hands clutched firmly around a very drunk Calum's arm. They both stumbled along towards us, giddy laughter bubbling out of the both of them.

"What's she doing here?" she made a face at Ani who rolled her eyes in return.

Ani mumbled something under her breath before climbing up to her two feet and quickly storming away. I was about to question Bree for her remark but then I noticed the fresh, purple marks scattered along her neck. Calum, who was in no better state, had cherry coloured smudges along his mouth and face, the same colour present on Bree's lips.

"You should have been there last night, Soph." Bree giggled, still clung onto Calum like a small child. "It was pretty crazy." She smiled coyly at Calum who smirked back.

"Yeah..." Calum slurred, the stench of alcohol occupying his breath.

"I need you two to listen to me." I pushed myself up off of the floor. "Whatever the hell you two were doing, well you got caught, okay?"

Bree's head snapped towards me, "Huh?"

"Ashton and Michael, they saw you." I turned to look at Calum, his eyes were half lidded and his head was tilted. "You've blown it."

"Soph?" he squinted, "I didn't see you there..." he hiccuped, stumbling foreward.

"Damn it, Cal." I muttered, struggling with Calum's weight in my arms, lowering him down to the ground. He was clammy with cold sweat, his hair a mass of untamed curls. As I managed Calum down, I could heard loud, high- pitch laughter howling behind me.

"Bree, I know you're drunk but seriously now is not the time." I nagged, standing up to face her.

"Woah, why so serious?" Bree brushed off my serious tone, "You need to relax."

"Relax?" I scoffed. "Relax. Hah, okay. I'll relax." I edged closer to Bree, her breath the same strong scent of alcohol Calum had. "I'll relax after you figure out a way to fix this."

"You don't even want to be here, do you?" Bree challenged, arching up an eyebrow. "You'll get your money soon enough, you should be happy."

"Well I guess you'll be happy when you get fired from your job, huh?" I was almost shouting now, clenching my fists by my sides. "I only did this so you could be with Cal."

"Well I'm surprised Ani didn't get rid of you sooner!" she shook her head, "Why were you with her anyway?"

"Ashton broke up with her last night." I argued, in an attempt to shut her up in her drunk, obnoxious state.

"Oh." Bree's face fell as she spoke, her smirk draining from her face. "That's, that's horrible. I didn't know, I just- Oh wait." Bree's voice went deep. She pursed her lips. "I was there."

"Look, I know you and Bree aren't exactly the best of friends." I admitted, "And yeah, she's made mistakes, leaking the info, confronting yo-" I stopped midsentance after Bree cut me off. She snorted, crossing her arms.

"I still can't believe you fell for that." she trilled, "I mean, I knew I was good- but I didn't know I was this good." Bree's voice noticeably got deeper, her accent less prominant then before.

"Wait," I began, realization suddenly hitting me. "Ani didn't call that gossip website, did she?" I trailed off, eyeing up Bree in disbelief. She had crossed her arms, waiting for my response.

"It was you."

"Oh hun, I didn't call the press responsible for that article, oh no." she rolled her eyes, laughing sourly as I glared at her, dumbfounded. "Sweetie," Bree mocked, leaning foreward so we were both at eye level.

"I wrote the whole damn thing."

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