Something fishy...

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Corl's POV

 I finished the school day and slowly everyone started to disappear. None of my friends, or Denis had come to class since lunch. I was worried, i didn't know what was happening. After school I looked around for them. Nothing. I decided to go home.

Corl: Hi mum!

Mum: Hello Braden! How's school been?

Corl: Oh uhm, it's been great...

I lied. She couldn't know this, not yet.

Mom: That's nice! Anyway, dinner is ready so come sit down!

Corl: Okay.

I sat at the table and ate my food. We had fish and potato (idk xD). Afterwards, I went to my room and played my computer. I got a message from Sub.


Sub: Hey!

Corl: Hi!!  Where were you at school today!!!???

Sub: I was sick so I went home.

Corl: What about everyone else!?

Sub: They were sick too

Corl: That's not very convincing. What are you doing!?

Sub: Oh I gtg bye

(End of text)

That was weird. Something has happened and I need to know what. Something seemed fishy and it wasn't just the food I ate. (Haha...puns) I read a book for a bit and then went to sleep. What is going on?

(Sorry the chapters have been short. The next will be longer! I've been busy so these are last minute written. Hope you understand and enjoy the fact that Dorl is the best thing ever xD bai)

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