The party -3

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Corl's POV

I woke up. I didn't know where I was as I still had my eyes closed. All I knew is I was either on a bed or sofa and people were watching me because I could hear them laughing. I felt an arm around my waist. I opened my eyes. Everyone from the party was still there and looking at me. I was in the main room on the sofa. Denis was next to me, cuddling me.

Alex: Corl?

Corl: Y-yeah?

Sub: Well done, you fell asleep *laugh*

Corl: Yeah...I kinda gathered that....what am I doing up here though?

Becky: Denis wanted to lay with you so he carried you to the sofa and fell asleep with you! Its so cute! Denis normally acts so tough but he feels comfortable with you.


Corl: What was that??

Jessica:, well..


Wendy: Lillys drunk af...


Corl: Wow....this is why I don't go to parties...

Sophie: Why did you turn up then?

Corl: Ummm...long story...

Wendy: Tell us!

Corl: You know how Denis gets mad if he doesnt get his own way...

Andy: Yeah?

Corl: Well he kinda kit me then turned it sexual Becuase he's a jerk and said if I don't go to the party he'd beat me up, so here I am.

Sophie: You love him though, don't you?

Corl: Yeah...

Jessica: But he's still a jerk?

Corl: Duh! Did you see what he was doing earlier!?

Everyone laughed.

Corl: I should be leaving's really late.

Becky: It's only 2 am...

Corl: WHAT?!

I tried to stand up but I couldn't. I tried again. Denis was hugging me, asleep.

Corl: Guys, a little help here?

Ethan and Elijah walked up to me and used all of their strength to try move Denis's arm but it didn't budge.

Ethan: Welp, looks like your staying here for the night.

Corl: What!? I can't do that!?

Elijah: You have no choice...Denis is the strongest out of all of us and we can't move him.

Corl: Ugh...

Sub and Alex were laughing.

Sub: Wow...look at Denis *laugh*

Denis's face was on my chest.

Katie got her phone out.

Becky: I swear to god Katie, Denis already hates you enough. If you took a picture of him you will be dead when he wakes up.

Katie: Ugh...Fine. I have to go!

Katie left the house.

Jessica: Ugh, Why did you even invite her?!

Becky: Because she got be cake.

Everyone started laughing. I looked at Denis. Why, why me....out of all the people in the world he had to choose me. I didn't mind but it's just confusing.

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