The party -1

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Corl's POV (I feel like it makes for sence to always be in Corls POV but sometimes I'll change it :P)

I was at school, it was break. I was sat under a tree reading a book, The Old Man Of The Sea. It's a  really good book! As I was reading it I saw someone walk up to me, it wasn't Denis, or Ethan, or was a kid I have never seen.

???: Hey, your Corl right?

Corl: Um, yeah.

David: Hi! Well, I'm David. Nice to meet you!

Corl: Nice to meet you too!

He sat down next to me.

David: So, I came to ask you some questions.

Corl: About?

David: You and Denis.

Corl: Ugh...don't remind me of him.

David: Can you listen please?

Corl: Sorry...

David: So Anyways, Denis really, REALLY likes you. Do you like him?

I had to think about this, I didn't like him, but I loved him. He is mean, rude and stupid but I really really love him..

Corl: Well, you see. I don't like Denis as he beat up my friends and is a bit full of himself but I love him....

David: Thats What I thought. Just remember, you can't change him, don't try and make him stop doing illegal things, or hurting people Becuase he wont. That's who he wants to be. Just Becuase you date someone doesn't meen you have to be like them! You can still be an average student who hates the attention Denis brings to ya.

Corl: I guess your right...


David: Cmon, you better go to class.

Corl: Okay, Bye....

I walked to my next class.

(Skip until home time)

I was walking to Alex's house to get ready for the party tonight, Sub was coming too.

Alex: So, What are you wearing?

Corl: I am wearing some black ripped jeans with a red shirt and some golden trainers.

Alex: Nice! What about you Sub?

Sub: Just wearing some black jeans and a white shirt with my green jacket. I have a normal pair of trainers to wear with it.

Alex: Cool!

Corl: What about you Alex?

Alex: Blue jeans, black top and some high tops.

Sub: Sounds Nice!

We arrived at Alex's house and went inside.

Alex Mum: Hello boys! Come in!

We all walked in and but our bags on the floor.

Alex Mum: So, you must be Corl.

Corl: Yep, that's me.

Alex Mum: Alex talks about you a bit.

Corl: Does He?

Alex Mum: Of course! You saved him from getting beat up, didn't you?

Corl: Yeah...

Alex Mum: I'm glad Alex has good friends like you and sub.

We smiled.

Alex: Okay Mum, we are gonna go get dressed.

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