Prison break......yeah.....well almost

Start from the beginning

Harry's p.o.v.

I should have reached Stella a little earlier. As I burst through the room, I saw Victoria biting Stella's wrist. Too late. Stella fell to the ground and started screaming out in pain. I rushed over to her and Victoria and the guards left the room. I felt so angry at myself. This is not fair. Stella was going to become a vampire and fight against us. I cannot let that happen. There was only one way, go back to camp. I had to break out of this place no matter what and go to camp. Maybe get help. I rushed out of the room and bumped into someone. It was Zayn.Thank gods I found him, I hugged him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Stella" I said and pointed toward her.

"Oh no" Zayn put his hands on his mouth.

"We need to get back to camp" I said and we went to get El and Louis from their dungeon. We sneaked out of the window of our dungeon. there was a guard at the door but he didn't see us. We got out of that place and went to camp.

Stella's p.o.v.

I woke up inside a huge room which was absolutely beautiful with a large transparent window overlooking the ocean, a blue colored bed, the room was painted in different shades of blue. There was a couch at he end of the room. As soon as I opened my eyes, I found Akira  from camp sitting next to me.

"Akira? what are you doing here, wait.....I'm going crazy now" I said.

"No, you're not, it really is me here. I have been a vampire all along. A spy. I was sent to camp to see and note all your activities" she said.

"You were a traitor" I said.

"Yeah but I didn't want to be, I fell in love with Austin there and started giving wrong information to Victoria but she didn't get to know about it" she said.

"This house is....."

"Yours, completely yours" she replied.

"What?! I cannot take a house and keep it"

"Stella, you're forgetting, you're one of us now, each vampire has her or his own space, this is your own house"

" Where's my mom? is she safe?"

"Yes, your mom is safe. Victoria hasn't done anything to her yet."

"Fine" I said and Akira left.

I buried my face In my pillow and cried all night long. I had no more friends. I was practically evil now.

3 months later.....

3 months had passed, a lot of time. I completely changed. For three whole months, I've been made to forget everything about love, friendship. My brain was filled with evil, I was a vampire now. My clothes, no longer were comfortable jeans and tops, but instead they were black skinny jeans, tight coats and high heals. Everything black. I had incredible powers, my teeth especially canines grew comparatively longer. I was one of the most powerful vampires. I knew how to kill, for me attacking someone meant killing that person not even injuring. I had been trained to defeat and win. Stella Jackson no longer was an American-English demigod, Stella Jackson was a ferocious vampire. I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes were red, no longer blue. My red hair fell on my shoulder. I looked at the clothes I was wearing. Black. Who could say, this girl used to be colorful, always smiling and playful. The old Stella was dead for me. However, somewhere inside my heart, I could still feel the old Stella's spirit. I no longer had a heart.

I went straight to the headquarters where Victoria was.

"Ah.....Stella, you look gorgeous as always" she said.

"Thank you, is everything today?" I asked.

"As always, honey. Normal. Although we do have a werewolf case for you today"

"Nice, I love dealing with werewolves"

"Matt, take her to the dungeon"

Matt guided me to the dungeon. I entered the dungeon and saw that a girl about 16 was sitting on a chair with her hands and legs tied.

"Who do we have here?" I asked.

"Laura, her name is Laura" Matt said from the edge of the room.

"Oh nice name Laura. Thank you Matt, you may leave now" I said. Matt went out and closed the door behind him.

"So Laura, trespassing again?" She looked down.

"Ugh! How many times do I have to remind you, NEVER. MESS. WITH. OUR. KIND." I said again.

"Well your kind killed my brother" Laura replied.

"Well your brother killed two of the most important people of our kind" I said.Its true. Her brother Sam, killed Laurent and Lacy who was Victoria's sister.

"Now, I'm a nice person so, I'll give you a choice. Either, you spend title rest of your life serving us, or you die. What do you want to do now?" I asked.

"I-i'll serve you forever" she said and I saw the fear in her eyes. I couldn't help but felt sorry for her. My heart, although I didn't have one shattered to pieces. I didn't want to be evil but had to. I gave out a bored sigh and called out to Matt.

"Matt! Take her to the dungeons and lock her up there. Make sure she cannot leave. We cannot have HER blabbing around by talking about all the entrance and exits in the vampire's headquarters." I said.

"Sure thing" Matt said and took her to the dungeon. I went out and walked toward Victoria's office and went inside. "Werewolf firm is kept in the dungeon" I said.

"Good, this acts as a threat to them" she replied. I sat on the sofa in the center of the room.

"Ugh, I need to go see something, I'll be right back" I said again. I had dropped my bracelet somewhere. It was my favorite so I went looking for it. The last place I visited, was the dungeon. I went to see in each of the rooms and soon, came across the room where harry and me were kept the first time we were brought here. Wow, I hadn't thought about him for ages. I don't know how he is now or where he might be.The door we sopen and I poked my head inside the room. Something Something was shining on the ground. I went over to that place and looked carefully. It was a chain, a silver chain. However, not just any chain of was Harry's chain. A chain that he never took off. How was this possible? After us, there had been many people who were kept in this dungeon. So how was it here? My thoughts were interrupted when i felt a hand on my moth, preventing me from speaking. Whoever that was, pulled me back, put an arm around my neck and slammed me against the door. I opened my eyes and saw those green eyes again, the same curly hair and the exact serious expression. It was....Harry. He slowly pulled away his hand from my mouth and I said, "What the hell are you doing here?"

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