#6: Home.

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find me, make me your home


Espying the sound my shoes made on touching the ground, a new sweet blast of breeze knocked on my skin. Noticing how the small goosebumps formed on my hands, I stepped out of the sliding glass doors. My hair was tied into a pony so no strands flew on my face, but the scent of Frankfurt was much too familiar to forget. The first thing my eyes fixated on as I exited the airport doors was the bright blue ocean.

I'm home.

My four bags behind me were carried by my two bodyguards dressed in a black tux as they trailed my steps. I slipped on my black shades as I walked with my laptop bag and a blazer hanging in my arms.

As soon as I stepped out, the sun hit my face. Summer was profound in Frankfurt, the trees looked bright and green, and the skylight hue of blue was completely spotless. Eight long years and I had forgotten what the ocean scent in the air smells like. It was as if I'd forgotten to glance at the sun and the clouds but I already feel the glow on my sunkissed skin.

While my eyes searched the whole place, I saw a small group of people dart toward me with black cameras stuck to their eyes. I frowned but seconds before I could reply to their striding questions my two bodyguards blocked me out of sight. Through their tall frames, behind the railing, I saw a small whiteboard with the name:


I pushed the people who were crowding ahead of me. Although after many tries, they eventually moved away, giving me space. I tried to focus on the board I saw again, but it was missing. I scrolled my eyes, removing my shades but there was no sign of any board.

And then, like a bolt of lightning, d scream emerged from the crowd. The scream grew, louder and louder and much nearer. Before I turned in that direction, my face was covered in black hair that wasn't mine. My ears ring with one screeching "AHHH" sound. I couldn't stop my smile as I threw my arms around her and she began to jump, which I thought way awkward.

"OH. MY. GOODNESS. YOU. ARE. ACTUALLY. HERE." She yelled letting me go, only to bounce back higher on me.

The cameras turned toward us and I couldn't help but smile at the situation we were in. Hugging her back, we stayed like that for the next five minutes.

"Come on, Belly, let's go home." She whispered.

I nodded as she dragged me behind her. Our walk to the car was somewhat like a walk to high school classes. I missed having her by my side as she spurted hundreds of jokes which were lame, but I listened anyway.

We entered my car which was a black Mercedes SUV. The bodyguards began loading the car with my luggage while May asked her driver to drive her car following mine. We sat in the center seat and I heard her non-stop ranting as if I was listening to a small kid trying to tell their favorite fairytale story.

"--and then they asked me if I could be the supervising head of the company and I said 'Oh my god that is so generous, yes I will' and they went like--"

It never stopped. I smiled at her, seeing her expressions, her short black hair, straight like her principles stopped just below her shoulders. Her almost black eyes widened at every word she exaggerated. Her hands moved up and down as she spoke, but now, with a ring attached. I listened to everything.

Every word, every letter she pronounced because I didn't want to miss it. I wanted to listen and be with her as much as I could so I wouldn't regret it when I went back. This whole month, or maybe less, was me getting to find myself again.

"Wait," I stopped her job story and stared at her finger having the diamond ring that was continuously flashing in my eyes. "Congratulations, soon-to-be Mrs. Liam Davis," I said softly and she blushed straight.

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