Chapter 24- The Phantom confronts

Start from the beginning

"Mama!" Taeyeon cried, and fell into the lap and safety of her mother."it's horrible!"

Y/n held her daughter close, confused on her fear and outburst " there there baby" she soothed her child " what happened?" She asked.

"Taehyung pulled a terrible prank on me!" Taeyeon calmed her crying, now standing upright and rubbing her eyes." I asked if I could see behind his mask and he scared me with a face that he made with stage makeup."

Y/n bit her bottom lip " oh dear, he didn't mean no harm" she said softly. She could only imagine the pain Taehyung is going through after seeing the terrified look of her daughters face after seeing his.

" Did you think I wouldn't know?!" The body of Taehyung was at the door, a mask sloppily put over his ruined face " do you have something to confess?" He growled softly.

"Taehyung please no." Y/n said softly yet frightfully.

"I want the truth if it's so!" He said once more.

Y/n knew she couldn't keep it hidden much longer. She would just have to tell him.

She stood up, picking up taeyeon and turning to Joseph who was dumbfounded by the whole situation "please take her to her room." She said as she handed her to him.

"Sure" Joseph said softly, taking little taeyeon in his arms and taking his leave, closing the door behind him.

Y/n took a deep breath and sat down on her bed " please sit down ."

Taehyung did as she told him, sitting at her bed and waiting for the explanation.

"Eight years ago, for one single night" she began to say softly, not even daring to look at him in the eye. " you and I had one single night together and from that night you have created something in me. The day of the performance, you left me...." She choked on her words, tears building up in her eyes " and you left me with a child."

Taehyung was beyond belief. He had suspected it, but didn't expect it to be actually true.From out of ugliness, such light. From out of darkness, such a flame In her, his wrongness is made right
And yet she loathes him just the same

" I wished that you would know." Her tears escaped " but you were proclaimed dead and I had to keep it a secret, that's why I went with jungkook. She wiped her tears off her cheeks." I am so sorry."

"Does she..." He began to speak softly, almost inaudible. At that point he was plainly numb, not able to completely process what words he was hearing " does she know?"

"No.... Nobody does" y/n responded.

"God..." He placed his head in his hands " I have a daughter..... And you...." He turned to her." I wasn't there for you....not even the child." He felt more guilty than he had ever felt.

"It's not your fault." She placed her hand on his knee " there was no way you could have known."

"And she's afraid of me ." Taehyung said painfully, remembering the terrified face of his daughter. " she must hate me now."

" she thought you pulled some kind of joke on her " Y/n said standing up. " I have to go talk to her."

"Don't tell her." He begged " don't tell her who I am"

Y/n shuddered a cry and nodded " I won't..."

" can you tell me about her?" He asked " I want to know her more."

"Of course" she said sniffling. It was the least she could do. " in a moment."


Y/n knocked softly on the door of her daughters room and opened it slightly "sweetie, it's me." She said as she stepped inside.

Taeyeon was calmly sitting in her bed, playing with a rag doll she brought with her. Her attention now on her mother " hi mama."

"Honey I need to speak to you." y/n said as she made her way to her bed and sat down." About Taehyung "

"Did he scare you too?"taeyeon asked her mom. y/n shook her head." No, I just wanted to tell you that, he didn't pull a joke on you."

"What do you mean mama?" She asked

" that isn't stage makeup." Y/n began once more " it's his actual face. He's always been like that and felt like he should hide it behind a mask. He shows very few people how he looks because he's scared of being made fun of" she explained " or being scared of.

"Did I hurt his feelings?" Taeyeon asked disbelieving. Her tiny heart fell at the thought of her hurting the feelings of someone kind." I didn't mean to. I just thought it was a mask."

" he is quite sad " y/n said " but he isn't mad at you."

Taeyeon's face fell. She felt horrible.

" come now. Off to bed." Y/n said standing up from the bed " I'll be going out for a bit. Goodnight my love."

"Goodnight mama

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