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I glanced over my shoulder in time to see Jason hit his foot on the chair leg and stub his toe. 

"Would you stop freaking me out and acting like a five-year-old?" I yelled. 

"Oh shut up. It hurts like hell," he scowled, hopping around on one foot and banging into furniture. 

"Watch the lion!" I leaped up and pulled the small lion statue to safety as Jason crashed into the cabinet. 

"Sorry," he said, wincing as he collapsed onto the carpet. Sighing, I placed the statue our family had had for about fifty years back into place. 

"I hadn't figured you could be so attached to a statue," he joked as he stretched his foot out. 

"I take offence to that. It's for the benefit of happy parents that I saved it," I snapped back. 


I flopped down next to him, casting my tired eyes over the textbook that was sitting on my desk. 

"Are we gonna finish studying or what?" Jason asked after two minutes of him inspecting his toe. 

"Nah. I'm really not bothered."

"Me neither," he confessed. 

"Wanna hang out at the park?" 

He sighed. "Not really."

"Well then what do you wanna do?"

He shrugged. "I don't know."

I groaned. This was the most pointless conversation ever. 

"Well, I'm going out. Catch you later I suppose. And my mum comes home at odd times so best be ready to dash when you hear her car."

"Dad?" He asked.

"Won't be here until tonight."

"Okay then. See ya."

I got up and pulled open the front door, pocketing my keys, wallet, and phone. A blast of hot air entered our cool home and I shrugged off my jacket, leaving a plain black shirt underneath. 

"Are you sure it's not too hot?" Jason called. 

"There's a nice breeze blowing. I'll be fine."


The day was rather hotter than I'd thought it to be. As I walked along the pavement, I decided to head towards the small park near my home, which was a few streets away from Jason's. A couple of kids were swinging on the swings and playing on the seesaw, and I briefly smiled before heading over to the oval. God, I didn't even know what to do. Occasionally Jason and I went to the gym, but clearly he wasn't in the mood to go outdoors.

I'd jogged a lap and was starting to feel seriously bored when in the corner of my eye I spotted two- no, three girls head onto the oval, with one spinning a netball- one with long, wavy brown hair, one with strawberry blonde hair and one with short black hair. They crossed the grassy expanse and headed down to the netball and basketball courts. 

I blinked. It was Dawn and Aria and... Kathleen, right? 

Before I knew what I was doing, I pulled out my phone and started to walk slowly towards them, keeping a fair distance. They were talking about something... was that 'Jason' that I heard? 

Suddenly realising that I was now walking faster than I should be, I slowed down and heard Aria say, "Oh who the frick cares. I'm just gonna ask him out. Stop giggling you two!"

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