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"can we go to the hospital I want to see him"

"of course come on"

we leave with the boys and drive to the hospital by the time we get there Daniel is already being treated on

I sit down with the boys as my dad talks to the front desk

*3 hours later*

"family of Daniel Seavey?" a doctor says coming into the waiting room

we all stand up and he walks over to us

"are you all family" he asks

"no theyre his friends thats my dad and im his girlfriend"

"okay can you come with me please"


I follow him into the hospital and he brings me outside of a door

"okay Mr. Seavey is in there he had a heart attack but we got him to be stable... hes sleeping right now but hes going to be okay"

"o-okay can I go in"

"of course"

I open the door and walk in to reveal him asleep. I look at his heart monitor and its still going fast but better than before

I take a seat from the wall and sit next to him

I take his hand and he wakes up

"h-hi" I say starting to tear up

"aw baby dont cry im okay"

"I know I was just so worried about you"

"im sorry"

"why are you sorry"

"I tried waking up... I heard you and I tried really hard I just couldn't I didnt mean to scare you"

"its okay youre awake now thats all that matters"


"do you feel better now"

"yeah I do... a lot better"

"good.. oh my god I thought I lost you I dont know what I would've done with myself if you died"

"dont think about that im here now and im fine"

"Im going to kill corbyn for doing this"

"stop" he says laughing

"im sorry"

"when can we go home"

"soon I hope"

"I love you"

"I love you too babe"

"I dont want this tour to end cause that means we end too"

"hey dont say that at least not when youre hooked up to a machine in a hospital where you practically died"

"sorry Ive just been thinking about it"

"I know I have too... one day we'll have to break up... you'll be some famous kid that can only remember his other band members names not even the fans... you'll also forget about me and leave me for someone better...I know how these things work. I will just be this random person you dated and said love you too a few times on tour but you will be my first true love and my first true heartbreak..."

"not necessarily... we could always end up together forever"

"id love to think that way but the reality is im not enough for you.. im still In high school with no idea what I want to do with my life and youre this big "superstar" with girls lining up to date you.. in a perfect world we would be together forever and we would have a beautiful relationship and we would get married and have a beautiful wedding and have beautiful kids and everything but the world is not perfect and you'll end up marrying some famous girl and ill just be a fan who had a 'thing' with you"

*daniels pov*

god I want to marry this girl...but she thinks we wont last and that makes me sad... I know we will I think I have a plan

I think this story might come to a close but with a nice epilogue dont kill me please

✅ Touring With Why Don't We 2 ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz