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"because you would react well like this"

"How am I supposed to react"

"Wait what did you hear" I ask

"That you kissed him" he says pointing to Daniel

"Oh no" I hear Daniel say

"Wait you guys kissed" Jonah, Jack, and Zach say

"You guys didn't know" I say

"Corbyn did you know" my dad says


"And you didn't tell us" Jonah says

"Hey don't be mad at me Daniel told me not to"

"Well Daniel were you going to tell me" my dad says

"Yes but later not in front of everyone "

"Okay I see but Julia when these things happen you need to tell me"

"It's not that important"

"Okay but I would like to know next time"

"Um okay but it wasn't the first time" i say

"Wait what" my dad says

"What" the others say

"Julia what are you talking about" Daniel says

"Not you. One of the only things I remember about that guy who I went to the dance with when his gf broke up or whatever happened was that at the end of the night we kissed" I say

"Ummm you didn't tell me this" my dad says

"I know aparently the only person who knew was me and him and I guess Will"

"Ew Will" Daniel adds

"Wait I'm confused" Jonah says

"So you kissed that kid. And Daniel"

"Well not the same day of course"

"Oh but what about ma... never mind"

"JONAH" the boys and I yell


"What boy" my dad says


"You know what I don't feel like hearing about all these guys your kissing I just need a nap so good night"  he says leaving

✅ Touring With Why Don't We 2 ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें