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*daniels pov*

Julia leaves the room and Corbyn starts talking

"So daniel" he says to me

"Yes Corbyn" I respond

"Have you kissed her yet" he asks

"No why"

"Well when are you going to I mean you kinda had the perfect chance yesterday"

"Perfect chance?" I ask

"You know after the fight you guys could've kissed" he says

"I know I want to but I don't know how"

"Is this another asking her out thing"

"I don't know I'm just nervous. Like what if I kiss her and she's like ' um what are you doing are you crazy'" I say

"That's is a possibility but I don't think it will happen. Also if you don't someone else will" he says

"Like who"

"Um Mark duh"

"Omg I haven't even thought of that. Plus he said he really likes her"I say


"So what should I do"

"Hurry up and kiss her already" he says

"But like when I can't just walk up to her kiss her and leave"

"Um well I suggest having a sorta deep conversation about your relationship and then boom you just kiss her." He says

"Like when what day" I say confused

"Well not today cause we don't want her knowing we had this conversation so maybe tomorrow" he says

"Wait why"

"I don't know just not today plus it will feel forced for you and you won't be able to tell your true feelings and it just won't go well" he says

"Okay that makes sense thanks."

"Anytime. Giving advice made me tired wow what time is it"

"I don't know like 9 o'clock"

"Omg how did time go by that fast"

"Well she had school till 2. Didn't get back here till 3:15 and her walking/ standing outside the door was 3:30. Then we all talked till 4 than you guys left and you can back at 7. And this has been an hour conversation with a combination of us talking before, her leaving, and the conversation" I explain

"Oh wow no wonder why I'm tired and we slept the whole day so we probably overslept and are tired"

"That's true. Well um should we tell her we're done"

"If you want to" he says

"Well I'm too lazy so let's wait til she walks in and asks"

"Lol Okay well I'm glad we had this conversation"

"Thanks for having this  conversation with me it helped"

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