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"I'm confused" I say wiping my tears

"Well you walked in, told me what happened, cried, apologized, and um I kissed you"

"But why"

"Well one person kissed you unexpectedly and you didn't want to. And one kissed you also unexpectedly and you've been waiting for"

"I have so many mixed emotions right now. Like I want to be sad while also being mad but at the same time I just can't be sad when I'm around you"

"Well just don't be sad and you can be mad but only at him not yourself"

"I'm truly sorry if I knew he was going to do that I would've just left but I thought maybe he was just going to say he likes me and I could explain how I don't like him."

"Don't worry about it I completely understand" he says smiling

I wipe away my tears and I hug him.

Then the other boys walk in

I explain what happened and how I had no idea it was going to happen and if I knew it was. I Wouldn't have went.

At first they are surprised and then after I told them my side they were understanding.

"Wow I really hate that guy" Jonah says and the others agree.

"Oh trust me me too. And I'm pretty sure he hates me too but oh well who cares" I say

"Why does he hate you" Zach says

"I don't know. When I said I have to leave he was like okay and sounded mad but I honestly could care less"

"Well is that all that happened" Corbyn says like he knows

Daniel looks at me and I look at him

"Um yeah" I say

"Are you sure" Zach says

"Yes" I say

"Daniel?" Jack says

"Yeah nothing else happened" he says

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