Chapter Three

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I sit on a high stool at the breakfast bar in the kitchen. Carson walks fluidly around the kitchen, grabbing everything he needs to make the sandwiches. It's almost a dance, watching him within his own home. He's confident in a quiet sort of way.

We sit in silence; his rustling and the sounds of nature creating a gentle music. I close my eyes and let out a slow breath. A sense of calming wraps around me like a warm fleece blanket. I have spent my whole life, dreaming of this very home. To be sitting here, enjoying the peacefulness of nature and friendly company, is more than I could have ever imagined.

I long thought this dream was unobtainable. I am pleased to be proven wrong.

I hear a horse whinny in the distance and I let out a soft laugh, tilting my head to the side so my ears can catch the sound. I can practically feel their thundering hooves under the stool.

A door slamming shut jolts me out of my reverie and I glance over to see two boys storming into the house.

"Why did you have to do that, Dakota? Why do you always have to embarrass me?!" Travis, I'm guessing, yells at his brother.

Quickly, I memorize the boys features. Travis is slightly taller with brown, gelled hair. His bright green eyes sneer at his younger brother while his freckled nose scrunches with anger. Dakota has blond hair and eyes just like his father. His skin is a tad paler, adorning a handful of freckles. Their lips, cheeks and nose are completely identical to their father's and it is obvious they are related.

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to talk to you!" Dakota fires back, however his expression is solemn and hurt. My heart aches for him. I want to wrap him up in my arms and declare that he is loved, no matter what he thinks. A kid should never feel as if he is unheard.

"Boys... What's going on?" Carson's voice is gentle yet firm as he steps into their line of sight. They look at their father with slightly wide eyes, as if they just realized they walked into their home.

"Dakota embarrassed me in front of Sophia! There is no way she's going to go to Homecoming with me, now!" Travis exclaims, throwing his arms in the air.

Dakota looks to the ground, a frown marring his face.

"Well, if this Sophia isn't comfortable being around your brother, then perhaps you shouldn't mind. Your brother comes, what?"

Travis sighs and looks over at Dakota. They both say in unison, "first."

"Exactly. You're brothers. Never let friends or girls get between you. Keep focus on what and who is important. Understood?"

The boys both say, "yes, Father," together. Travis turns on the balls of his feet and exits the kitchen. Dakota still looks crestfallen as he steps into his father's embrace. Carson quickly holds him, running his fingers through his hair.

"Hey, enough of that. Travis loves you. Just as I do." Dakota doesn't respond apart from nodding his head against his father's chest.

I feel as if I am eavesdropping on a private, intimate moment. Therefore, I turn in my stool to offer them privacy. However, the stool lets out a creaking groan, causing both of the guys to look at me with identical eyes. I give a small smile and wave my hand at Dakota. His eyebrows rise perpetually high.

"Who's she?" Dakota asks.

"Dakota!" Carson reprimands the same time I say,

"My name is Reagan." Dakota slowly turns his head to look up at his father, a question clearly painted on his face.

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