Chapter 34: Questions And Secrecy

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Orson Station's lower levels were a little more upscale than the rest of the station. They still weren't particularly fancy, as the station wasn't a tourist destination. Business executives were the group they aimed to cater to, and there were no shortage of them visiting. Many companies had operations on the station that had to be checked up on occasionally. Joseph had seldom visited, even when they spent time on the station.

An Italian restaurant called Parello's was where the PICTA operative had directed Joseph for their meeting. They served dinner only, and so were not open when he arrived. An employee noticed him as he approached the door and let him in once she learned his name. She led him into the dim interior with a remark that he was expected.

Parello's was decorated with hardwood paneling and occasional brass accents. Planters filled with ferns and other plants Joseph could not name topped most of the low dividing walls between sections and each booth. Had the circumstances of his visit been ordinary, the atmosphere would seem perfect for family or even romantic dinners. At present, especially empty as it was, it seemed a good place for a clandestine meeting. It reminded him again how little he really knew of PICTA. Was this standard practice for them? It wouldn't be a surprise.

The employee led him to a table in a back corner, where a bald man sat reviewing several notescreens and a lot of physical paper spread on the table in front of him. A soft-sided leather briefcase stood on the end of the table by the wall, open pockets exposing still more paper. When he detected their approach he wiped the screens of the electronic readers, neatly swept the paper documents into a pile and stood to greet them. As he stepped from behind his temporary desk he extended a hand, which Joseph shook.

"Thank you," the man said to the employee, who nodded and scurried off to see to other tasks. Close enough now to see clearly, the middle aged man had a scar on the right side of his head and wore loose-fitting clothing that hid his build. "Thank you for coming, Mr. Essert. Please have a seat. My name is Peter, PICTA asked me to have a chat with you."

"Just Peter?" Joseph lifted one eyebrow.

"Just Peter." The man's polite smile confirmed he was used to the question. "Peter from PICTA, if you like."


"Very, yes." Seated again, Peter set one notescreen before him and piled the rest on top of the stack of papers. "I doubt my parents predicted that when they picked the name, but all the same. Now, am I correct to say that you know what this meeting is about?"

"I can only think of one reason that PICTA would want to talk to me," Joseph said.

"Good." Peter pulled the briefcase toward him and slid a small electronic device out of one picket. "If it's alright with you, I'll record our conversation from this point forward. Otherwise I'll have to type notes, which will take longer." Joseph nodded, and he started the recording. "Alright. To get started, please tell me about all the events surrounding you and your partner transporting Allison off Temorran."

The narrative took about ten minutes for Joseph to relate, beginning with his encounter with her and Terrence in the diner and ending with their dogfight. Peter from PICTA remained silent, and his face was so still throughout that Joseph couldn't tell what he thought of what he was hearing. All the motion he made was to wave Joseph on any time he slowed down expecting a question.

"Quite an interesting adventure for you," Peter said when Joseph finished.

"Well outside of our normal standards for a delivery, yes. I imagine you could tell us some things we could have done better."

"I could, but it isn't like you had a lot of time to consider each move. Many PICTA operations involve a month or more of planning, and there's always something we could have done better or should have noticed ahead of time. Frankly, you did well. What were you planning to do with Allison once you got back to the Teton Sector? I know what you did do of course, from the reports forwarded from the Immigration office, but was that what you intended from the beginning?"

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