Chapter 23

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-6 months later-
-Marinette's POV-

Love. It's a funny thing. One moment you're in it and the next you're out, thinking endlessly about what could have been.
My heart broke every time I saw him, whether if be the real him or his superhero counterpart.
I went to his hospital appointments, doctors appointments, I was always there for him and supported him. I even went with him to his scar removal.
We even became official, but he's not even interested anymore.

"Marinette, you must transform! Paris could be in danger!" Tikki cried, flying around frantically.

"You know I hate seeing him, Tikki." I gulped, thinking about everything we had been through together.

"But, Marine-"

"I said NO." I yelled, a little too loudly.
Tikki jumped back in surprise and my entire body felt like it could explode any second.

"Adrien's on his own, Marinette!" She insisted, "He will die, and this time might not be able to be saved! Marinette this is far more than just measly akumatised villains! This is real life. This isn't magic! It's something sinister, and he needs you!"

Her words floated around in my brain, giving me anxiety.

"Tikki, spots on!"

I went through the familiar transformation routine and took a deep breath before finally heading to the Eiffel tower.

Cat Noir hadn't approached the scene yet, as if he were waiting for an opportunity.
I stood out from a building then he looked up and his eyes widened.
His Cat ears twitched and he started to shake.
"M-M'lady..." He mumbled, walking towards me.
"You're here.."

I meekly nodded and shifted about awkwardly on my feet.
His entire body was shaking so I hugged him tightly.
He started crying, mumbling 'I'm sorry' as much as he possibly could. 
Once he'd stopped shaking, his body tensed up as if he were nervous.

I missed being around him. But he left me. He's the one who abandoned me when we needed eachother the most.

There were a couple of burglaries. One in a jewellery shop and another in a museum.

"Cat Noir you take the museum. I'll head to the jewellery shop. I'll speak to you later.."

We both went in our different directions, carefully going unnoticed by the accomplices to the burglars and getting inside safely.
Once in, I saw a man with his mouth taped shut and his arms and legs tied together so he couldn't move.
Another man, wearing all black was holding open a big sack and throwing everything off the shelves into it.
Using my yoyo, i took the sack from him and put it behind me.
"Ladybug!" He screamed, angrily stepping back.


"The cops are here! Your days as a low-life criminal are over!" I exclaimed triumphantly, untying the jeweller and removing the duct tape.

The burglar grunted as he was handcuffed, as did the other burglar from the museum that Cat Noir had stopped.

After the police had dismissed us, we made our way to my balcony.
"It's a real shame we grew apart." Cat Noir mumbled, staring at the floor.
"We didn't!" I hissed angrily, "You left! At the peak time we needed eachother, you were as good as gone! I haven't seen you for six months and that's all you have to say?! I've spent every night crying for you. Every single night! There hasn't been one day I haven't thought of you, or one night I haven't been sobbing, begging the world to bring you back to me!"

His face was pure shock, mine was a combination of anger, sorrow and confusion.
"Y-you tore me apart.." I cried, looking into his eyes.

Somehow, he wasn't angry at me for yelling.
I returned to my normal form.
My hair was straight and down, becoming soaked from the rain that started to fall.

"I HATE YOU!" I screamed, "I hate you, i hate you, I hate you.."

It was all I could say as I kept punching his chest weakly whilst he let it happen.
His eyes brimmed with tears then he eventually grabbed my fists, easily stopping me.

"I know I left you. I know it was the dumbest thing i could possibly do. I screwed up, I know. You can punch me as much as you like, I deserve it. For a long time i've gotten increasingly used to all the shit i've put you through. But I promise it wont happen again because i hate to break it to you, but..I'm not going anywhere."

-1 year later-

"Ma, that's bad decorating! You can't just have a shedload of different colours for a Christmas tree, you need a theme. Gold and white, simple but beautiful! I'll decorate, you go make your wonderful cakes." I giggled to myself, realising how bossy I was when It came to decorating the Christmas tree.
"Adrien, could you give me a hand?" I asked, knowing I wouldn't be able to reach the top of the tree.
He nodded and smiled, kissing my cheek as he went on  his tiptoes to place the star on top.

When it was finally done, the tree looked beautiful. Gold and white baubles, tinsel, fairy lights, little reindeers!
Christmas was my favourite time of year.

Present were a-m-a-z-i-n-g!

Little did I know, the next Christmas would change my life.

-Another long year gone...-

1 year later and I'm eighteen and a half years old, Adrien has just gone 19.
It's Christmas yet again, and we were all gathering around the fireplace to open our present and eat mince pies. Adrien lived here now, he has done for a year.

The first thing I got was a new dress! Red, lacy and beautifully flowy. It felt like wearing a cloud when I tried it on!

"Mari, I have one last present for you. Can I talk to you outside?" Adrien gulped, standing up and getting a thumbs up from my mum and dad.

-Adrien's POV-

I reached into my back pocket and took a deep breath.

"Mari, M'lady, bugaboo...Oh, what can I say. I've loved you for a long time and couldn't imagine my life without you.."

I placed a key in her hand, then I got the last thing.
That cliché velvet box.

With shaking hands I opened it up, revealing a shiny gold ring with several diamonds held to it.
"You're my princess, you're my world and a life without you isn't one worth living."

Finally, I did it.

"M'lady, will you marry me?"

Her mouth widened, completely gobsmacked.

"YES!!!" She squealed, "A MILLION TIMES YES!!"

"Oh thank god...I love you, Mari."

"I love you too, Adrien!!"

I sighed, hugging her tightly whilst thinking about all the times we have shared together.

This team is a strong one.
It wont break, do you readers remember?

This team...
It's Not Only Me.

What a wonderful conclusion to bring this adventure together! Thankyou so much, almost 5 thousand reads?! That's incredible! I love you guys so much!!!❤️❤️😊😊

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