Chapter 24- BONUS

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-Marinette's POV-

"Tomorrow is my 21st birthday, can you believe it?" I squealed, rummaging through my wardrobe to find an outfit.

Alya simply giggled at my child-like mannerisms, then hugged me tightly.

"And you're a FIANCÉE! TO THE BOY YOU HAD A HIGHSCHOOL CRUSH ON!!!" She laughed uncontrollably, rolling around on my bed.
"I can't wait for your 21st birthday party. Wait- are you even having one?" Alya asked, suddenly dropping all her chosen outfits to the floor.

"Well- urm...I was thinking just a dinner with family and a couple of close friends. Then perhaps a nice holiday somewhere as a treat. I'm not exactly up for hard-core partying." I shrugged, finally finding the perfect outfit.
"What do you think of this?" I asked, quickly removing my clothes to slide on the light and simple dress.

It was my personal favourite. It wasn't too much- but it also wasn't too little.
The dress was red, fell just above my knees and was strapless with a sweetheart neckline.
"It's gorgeous!" She shrieked, opening her bag and rifling through all the pockets, "It'll go perfectly with my favourite necklace. I want you to have it, bride-to-be!"

To me, this gift from Alya was beyond compare. I knew how much that necklace meant to her and she gave it to me in a heartbeat.

"Wow, Alya...You were right, it looks stunning with the dress! Thank you ever so much, I don't know how I'm going to makeup for this!" I exclaimed, looking myself up and down in the mirror.

"That ruby red necklace and dress will go perfectly with a sparkling glass of gold champagne for this dinner you're planning!" She winked, miming herself drinking a glass of alcohol.

"Oh, no thanks...No champagne for me." I chuckled, gulping nervously.
"Hmm, Mari-"

"GOTTA GO, URRRMMM NEED TO SHOP FOR WEDDING ACCESSORIES!!!" I screeched, running out of my house as quickly as possible.

I hid behind a bush so I could talk to Tikki.

"This is crazy, Tikki!! How am I going to handle the responsibilities of Ladybug when i'm a wife-to-be, not to mention with a baby on the way!!" I exclaimed dramatically, desperately scanning her tiny body for answers.

"Well, Marinette...A mother's duty always comes first before anything. If it's going to be too much, take me to the healer to return your Miraculous."

Automatically, I decided against returning my Miraculous. I'm Ladybug and I'm not about to give that up any time soon, especially if that means having an extra form of protection for my family.
"No. I'm not returning my Miraculous. But I'm definitely not giving up on this baby for some life of a superhero. I'll be able to find people to help look after it, but what am I supposed to do in that 9 month gap where i'm carrying?" I asked, needing all of the information I could possibly get. 

"Well, you don't have to de-evilise things anymore. That was something only Ladybug could do with akumatised victims. Since they are real life crimes now, I think you can leave it up to the police and Cat Noir." She smiled, "You can do this, Marinette. You are as strong as you were when I became your guardian, I know you can do this!"

That day, I made my decision. I was always an excellent multi tasker, so that was what my life was going to look like in 9 months!

First stop- tell Adrien that we're having a FREAKING BABY.

I walked to his new apartment, the one that I would soon move into.

I went along an unfamiliar route before realising exactly where I was.

"Jeez...That changed alot..." I mumbled, staring at Adrien's old house.

It was run down and completely deserted, not a soul was in sight.
At that exact moment, every memory of our screwed up teenage years came to play.

I instantly decided I didn't want to remember any of that, so I ran as fast as I possibly could back to his apartment.

When I got there I was out of breath, upset, and undoubtedly nervous. Nonetheless, I couldn't stop thinking about how my life was about to change forever...

I unlocked the door with a key Adrien had given me, then proceeded to speedwalk to the livingroom where he was chilled out watching TV.

"Oh, hello, M'lady." He winked, getting up to hug me.
"How are you? You're very, urm, sweaty and disoriented." He giggled, "I'm joking. Were you running?"

I nodded, "Yes but that isn't relevant right now. I have something extremely, extremely important to tell you. It is going to change our lives for good."

I fumbled about in my bag until I felt the pregnancy test I had used earlier this morning.
Taking a deep breath, I pulled the test out from my bag and placed it in front of him in my palms.
For a good ten seconds, he stood there staring at it.
After that, he took the test from my hands to examine it more.
Finally, he set the test onto the kitchen desktop and hugged me tightly.
"Really...?" He whispered, "You're"

It was the most perfect moment imaginable. I couldn't have thought it out any better. We were about to begin our lives and let me tell you....

It was the definition of perfect.

-2 weeks later-

"MRS DUPAIN-CHENG I CAN'T FIND THE HAIRSPRAY!!!!" Alya shouted, running around the hotel suite living room like a maniac.
"IT'S IN THE BATHROOM SWEETIE!!" My mom yelled back from her bedroom in the hotel suite.
Alya rushed to get the hairspray and then layered my hair in a thick hold, then finally securing it safely with one last bobby pin.

"Oh, girl...You look gorgeous...And that dress! You look absolutely fantastic! Wait till Adrien sees you!" Alya sobbed, grasping my hands.

"Marinette...It's time." My dad mumbled, taking me out of the hotel room.

Alya and my mom rushed ahead of us, presumably to take their places by the stand.
I couldn't pick between them, they both were my 'Maids of honour.'

The walk down the isle felt like forever before I finally reached Adrien.
We said our vows and shared 'that kiss' before turning to smile at the crowd.

Something about Adrien was slightly off though, so I took him aside to chat once it got to the reception.

"You seemed abit upset earlier." I sighed, placing my hand on his shoulder, "It's about your dad, isn't it?"
"Yeah...I guess I always imagines he would be in one of the biggest moments of my life. I guess not."

I gave all of my sympathy to him, but refused to let it ruin our big day.
There was nothing that gave me more happiness than the life I was living. It was the most incredible feeling to be surrounded by your loved ones and I'll never forget it.

"I love you, Cat Noir."

xx Thanks for reading throughout this book! I am forever grateful for the support i get...I love you all!

Not only me (Cat Noir x Ladybug)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora