Pop Quiz

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Yesterday, there was a really strange Akumatised person. She was 'Madame Pop Quiz' and it was our science teacher. Would you believe that? Cat Noir was flirting as usual, but he was acting strange around me. Adrien is too. "Today ladies and gentlemen, before we start out lesson, we have a POP QUIZ!! On the term 'combustion.' You will be asked what the chemical equation for it is, and what it is the scientific name for. Stuff like that. Have fun! If you don't get at least 50% of the marks, i will be keeping you back for detention."
Everyone groaned and slumped in their seats, and Chloe was all over Adrien again. I really don't like her. "And a new seating plan! That's right! Not allowed to sit where you please!"

"So, at the back row over there, Marinette next to Adrien, Sabrina next to Alya, front row chloe next to..."

I'm going to be sat next to Adrien? OH MY GOD!!! Tikki will tease me about this for sure!
"Hey, Marinette. How are you?" He asked casually, taking paper out for the quiz and writing his name on it. "Me? Oh i'm good, thanks! What about you?"

"Yeah i'm alright. Same old stuff. Not being allowed to go out without my bodyguard, being driven out everywhere, it never changes." He replied, drawing on the corner of his paper. I opened my mouth to speak again but then the electric cut. Laughing sounded from outside the class and no one could see a thing. It was pitch black. Then, from outside of the classroom, i heard..."Plagg, claws out!"
I don't know who it was though.
What even is that?

Then a hand grabbed my wrist and started running to what i assumed was the door. He took me outside and it was none other than...Cat Noir. "I...Umm..Uh..I..I'm going home!! Thanks for pulling me out of that, Cat Noir!"

Once i got to a safe hidden place, i transformed into LadyBug and ran back to the school. It was still dark, and there was no sign of Cat Noir or any students. With caution, I stepped into the school and the silence in the atmosphere was eerie. "My lady, took you a while. Any sign of students? I got in here and the place was deserted."
Thank god someone else is here. Cat..."Have you seen Adrien? Or Alya? I know them in real life- i mean, they're old friends?"

"Adrien? He umm, went home. He stayed about looking for his friend Marinette for quite some time though. Have you seen her?"

"Oh no." Adrien considers me a friend! That's a good start, right? "She's probably gone home.."
He nodded then his 'ears' flickered. I didn't really think much about it, but Cat Noir has a very similar body and face structure to Adrien. We stood there talking for ages, then the main light supply came on and zombified looking students came out followed by a 'zombified' head teacher.

That one teacher walked toward us, and went to bite my neck. "No you don't!" I yelled, jumping backwards as he was quite slow but not realising I landed in something sticky which hardened like cement on my feet.

Of course, that's when the zombie thing 'conveniently' started to walk a lot faster.

"Cat noir!! Help!!" I yelled, struggling in my place.

He began running with his Cataclysm ready, but the headmaster bit my shoulder.

-Cat Noir-
All these students, now i have to deal with a zombified ladybug aswell? Oh not forgetting, she's the one who captures Akuma's. "Urm, Kitty? I'm not zombified. He bit my shoulder. Now use your thingy to get this thing off my feet before he goes for my neck!"

-Sorry i do such short chapters, but i can try and make the next one longer, i just feel a bit sick atm...Sorry!!!-

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