"You know, when we had Zarif, I was in the ninth cloud. After all it was my first child. Everyone told me that I will never feel the same for my second one. But they were all proved wrong when you were born. When I first held you in my arms and cradled you, I knew I will love you even more. You were my love at first sight. You know before you were born I had always craved for a daughter. And you came in with all the happiness in the world. I was beyond cloud nine then. It was the best day of my life when you said your first word and it was 'Baba'. I was so proud of you. I still am. Ma Sha Allah, you've always made me so proud!

I'm sorry if I've never shown you how much I love you. I'm sorry for not making you feel like you are the princess of Daddy's kingdom. Because I never wanted you to be that. I never wanted you to be a princess. I've always wanted you to be a Queen. A Queen, who can rule the world on her own. I love you my baby! You will always be my baby girl!" Dad said and burst into tears. I immediately hugged him.

"I love you too, Dad! Don't be sorry! I love you soo much!" I tightly hugged him They say the right thing. The way your Dad makes you feel safe in his arms, no one can make you feel this much safe.

"I know you've become a woman way back then. Do take care of Hamza." said Dad and I nodded. I wiped his tears from his eyes and mine too.

We got up and hopped into the car to go to the wedding hall. As we reached, I don't know why but my heart started to race. It was forbidden to see groom's face before wedding (same thing for groom). Mom took me to the ladies' section and Dad and Zarif went to the gents' section.

"OH MY! MY!" Nusrat squealed as she ran to me and hugged the life out of me.

"YOU LOOK GORGEOUS!" Nusrat screamed. Everyone was looking at us with a amused expression.

"Thanks. You are looking amazing, Nusrat!" I exclaimed. She was wearing gown with a hijab. SHe looks like she is ready to walk the ramp. 

"Thanks! Wait till Hamburger sees you! He won't be able to control himself!" Nusrat winked and I turned red.

"Ma Sha Allah! Beautiful!" Mrs Khan said happily as she came to us.

"Thanks, Mrs.Khan. You are looking more beautiful, Ma Sha Allah!" I complimented.

"Hamza is a really lucky guy Mom!" smiled Nusrat as she placed her head on her Mom's shoulder.

"Yes, he is!" smiled Mrs. Khan looking at me. I felt blushed. Really? 

The room I was in, was full with women. As it is not allowed to see Hamza's face before wedding, I am temporarily locked in this room. Soon, I was called for the bridal photoshoot.

Hatts off to those brides who has the patience to do bridal photoshoot. I was so pissed off to the photographer.He was acting as if I am a dummy and he could control me. He was not happy with any of my poses. I was beyond pissed off. I don't know for how long he just directed me to lift my here and there and stare at nothing but at like I am looking at something amazing. It felt like ages, but then it was over. Hamza's cousin Rubaiyat was on the rescue. SHe told everyone that the wedding part from the groom was done.

I was told to sit on a chair and my heart started to  beat like mad. In a couple of moments I'll be married. My heart was racing so fast that I thought it will come out of my body any moment. I was sweating now. MOm saw me and  sat beside me with an assuring smile.  I tried to smile but i felt my face stiffen.

"It's going to be okay." said Mom placing a hand over mine.

"I don't want to marry!" I whined like a baby.  I don't know  but this came out of my mouth. MOm chuckled.

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