Let Me Thank You

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Title: Let Me Thank You
Description: Reader finally feels okay and she is going back to her room and Pietro comes in to check on her.
Warnings: Mention of smut, No actual smut, idk
Right after you got out of the emergency room you walked back to your room and laid down on your bed. You opened up the book and began to read more on the afterlife consequences.
'She lurks in the shadows of the afterlife and watches all around, be cautious for she will come out'
You closed the book quickly when you heard the door open. To your relief it was only Pietro. He comes up and sits beside you on the bed. "I can't thank you enough printsessa." He said pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "Its no big deal, I wanted you to see Wanda again." He huffs before saying "You should just let me thank you." He says before leaning in for a kiss. You kiss him back and your fingers ran through his bleach blonde locks. His hands found your hips and he pulls you on top of him where you are straddling him. He trails his kisses down your neck making you shiver. "I've never done-" you started and he pulls his lips away from your neck and whispers "If you want me to stop printsessa then tell me." He says before he reattaches his lips to your neck. "Never said I wanted you to stop." You told him biting your lip. He flips you over and lays on top of you and deepens the kiss. You pull on his shirt and then you heard the door open and you pushed him off of you quickly. "Y/N Tony needs you- oh my bad... but Tony does need you to go see him really quickly." Natasha says before closing the door. You groan before getting up. "Who says we are done?" Pietro asked. "Me." You said pushing him down onto your bed again before you wink at him and leave your room to go find Tony.
Once you found Tony in his office you sit down in front of him. "Listen kiddo I love having you here but if you keep pulling these secrets on us and putting yourself in danger we can't have you here anymore. You need to be more open about the stuff that is going on." He says. "Understood Mr. Stark." You told him before going to the training room where you found Peter. "I heard what happened are you okay?" He asked hugging you. "Of course I'm fine. Hey are you willing to walk with me to school tomorrow?" You asked him. "Sure-" but then you were cut off by Steve. "Sorry kid but we need you to go on a mission and flirting with the target. You will be going to a ball." Steve told you. "What? Why!" You asked. "We need someone to go first with a person from Hydra who is posing as a rich man. Nat is going on a different mission and Wanda is going as back up with Vision and Pietro." He said. "Fine, I guess I can miss school for the 100th time." You rolled your eyes.
Time has pasted in the day and now you and Bucky had to pick out a dress so you two had to go to a mall. Bucky wouldn't let you leave alone since Tony had told him to keep an eye on you so you let him tag along. You and Bucky made your way to the door and Pietro says "And where are you two going?" He asked. "To go get a dress for the mission." You tell him. "Maybe he should stay here." He says looking at Bucky with a bothered expression. "Maybe you should stay out of this." Bucky says slightly mad. "Stop. Now. Piet, baby I promise I won't be long okay?" You said pressing your lips on his and pulling away. "Let get this over with." You said before leaving the room with Bucky.
You came back home within an hour or so and you walk back to your room with your dress. There sat Pietro and he comes up and pulls you into a kiss. "Woah- calm down there tiger." You chuckled and he kisses all over your neck. "Just trying to finish what was rudely interrupted this morning." He said picking you up and speeding over to the wall and pushes you up against it. He lifts you up and you wrap your legs around him. He takes off your shirt, exposing your lacy bra and he mumbles a curse word or two. "You're mine." He growls and speeds you over to the bed and takes off his shirt. "God Pietro." You said as you looked at his toned body. He chuckles before pulling you closer. Then suddenly the door opened and to your utter embarrassment, it was his sister Wanda. Her eyes go wide and then she uses her magic to cover your bodies so you no longer had your bra showing. "I came to check on Y/N and see what she thinks of my new dress... clearly this is a bad time..." she said awkwardly. "Yeah, it is." Pietro says and you slap his chest before saying "I would love to see your dress on you." You told her and he pulls out her red dress. "Oh my god thats gorgeous!" You said. "Can I see you wear yours?" Pietro asked you making Wanda roll her eyes. "Uh no mine is a surprise." You told him. He groans before rolling over on your bed and gets ready for bed. "Upset much?" You asked him. "I could never be upset with you." He said kissing your cheek before rolling back over to go to sleep. "I'll leave you two to get ready for bed." Wanda says before leaving. You got up and changed out of your clothes as Pietro took off his pants and leaves himself in boxers to sleep in. Like a gentleman he looked away from you as you changed into your sleep gown. You walk over to lay down beside him and cut off your lights before snuggling up to him and drifting off to sleep. You had a big day tomorrow.

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