The Book

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Title: The Book
Description: Y/N goes back to the book during the party and she finds things she didn't knew existed.
Warnings: None??
You made your way back to your room and grabbed the book from earlier. You flip through the pages of the book and started reading. All of it was talking about the origins of your powers, it looks hand written. Maybe your grandma wrote it. You kept reading hoping to find something that could explain why you keep having this weird feeling. Soon you tried to go to the back of the book and noticed some of the pages were stuck. They weren't real pages. You looked at it carefully and noticed a secret compartment inside the book. You couldn't get it open though. So you looked through the book and read that you needed your blood to open it so you pricked your finger with a small knife you kept in a drawer incase if someone tried to attack you in your sleep. You dripped your blood onto the page and then all the words on the page turned the color of your blood before opening up the small compartment. There you found a glowing locket. You picked it up and it stopped glowing as if it is calm now. It must have been what was calling you. You recognized the locket. Your grandma use to wear it. Then you heard someone enter the room and you quickly closed the book. "Whats got you in here during the party?" Bucky asked sitting beside you. You looked at the locket and he looks too. "Where did you-" he started but then you interrupted him. "It was my grandmas." And he nods. "Want me to put it on you?" He asked. "Yeah." You said before handing it to him and he puts it around your neck before clipping it together. "It looks good on you." He says. "Thanks." You said holding it and looking down at it. "Is something wrong?" He asked. "Everything is fine." You fake smiled before getting up and grabbing his arm. "Lets go back to the party." You said before pulling him out of your room.
The party was fun and to your surprise Loki and Thor were getting along. You had fun dancing with Peter and everyone else. You laughed so hard when Peter changed the music to your playlist which was not classical music at all. But Tony soon changed it back because he wanted the party to be elegant. Not too much longer and the party ended and everyone who didn't live in the tower went home except for Peter because he told Aunt May he would be staying at Ned's house. You went back to your room and changed into your pj's but kept your locket on. You were so tempted to open it but you knew not to, who knows what could happen if you did. So you decided to keep it shut for now. You went and laid down in bed and drifted off to sleep very easily.
'You see them. You see all of them. Your ancestors. You see their powers and abilities, but even worse is that you can see their deaths. The more deaths you see the more you can feel them. Then you reached to your grandma's and hers flashes quickly but you still felt all the pain with it'
You opened your eyes after screaming you jumped up and touched your glowing necklace and right as you touch it, it stops glowing. Then everyone came running into your room. "Y/N are you okay?" Tony asked breathing heavily. You were panting as-well "Uh- Yeah I'm fine..." you sighed. "You really scared us kid." Natasha said patting your back. "I'm sorry, go back to sleep guys." You said running your fingers through your hair. Everyone leaves except for Peter and he gives you a sympathetic look before saying "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. "Maybe tomorrow..." you said taking off your covers and standing up. "Are you going to be able to sleep again?" He asked. "No." You said honestly. "Do you want me to stay with you?" He asked. "You want to sleep in the same bed as me?" You asked him which made his flustered and stuttering. "You- I mean- I don't have to- I uh-" and you chuckled at him before saying "I'm kidding, you can stay with me. Maybe having someone with me will help me be more calm." You told him and you sit down on one side of the bed and Peter goes to the other side and lays down on the bed. "I don't know whats wrong with me..." you said out loud as you both lay there on each side of the bed. "There is nothing wrong with you." He says reassuring you. You turn over to face him and you reach up and touch your locket. "Listen..." you tell him everything about what happened, you even told him your dream and he was so surprised. "So thats like a ancestral locket with powers that were passed down from generations in your family?" He asked. "Yes, and please don't tell anyone else on the team about it. I want to figure it out first before I tell them." You said to him. "Ok I promise I won't tell them." He said before you both drifted off to sleep.
You wake up next to Peter and you yawned before stretching. It was 8:00am and you needed a shower so you jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom. After you took your shower you wrapped a towel around yourself and crack the door open to see if he is awake or not and he is. "Sorry to wake you I just needed a shower." You said to him. "It's alright I needed to get up anyways." He said. "Hey can you hand me that pile of clothes?" You asked him and he gets up and hands them to you. "Thanks, I'll be out in a minute." You told him before shutting the door all the way and changing. Once you changed you walked out and sat on the bed and he already had his pants on and he was putting his shirt back on and you say "Damn Parker save some for everyone else." And he blushed which made you laugh. "Do you have training today?" You asked him. "Yeah I do so I gotta go back to my room and change." He said making his way to the door. "Okay I'll see you later." You told him. "Later." He said before leaving. Once he left you grabbed the book and started reading where you left off. You found a page on the locket you were wearing and you started reading it. It talked about the power inside the locket and how it helps control and add onto your own powers. You read on how to activate the locket and you had to pull energy from the gem and open a portal with it. So you stood in the middle of your room, you hovered one hand over your locket then slowly pulled your hand away and closing it as you pulled away and you could feel the power in your hand. You turned your hand to face away from you then you motioned your hand to make a portal. This portal was different, it had a glowing white ring around it and the inside of the portal looked different. Not like any other one you have seen...

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